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Forum > Big Lynn Lodge Ride
2019 BLL Event statistics
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The 2019 Big Lynn Lodge while not the most attendees ever it was still a blast! We had 57 attendees from 12 states. NC had 18 VA 7 TN 6 OH 5 IN 5 GA 4 SC 3 ILL 2 AL 2 KY 2 MA 1 IA 1 FL 1
The band this year was another local group, Almost Vintage. And they were a hit with the attendees.
Anne Marie LaFrance our massage therapist was kept very busy. Attendees are finding out that her deep tissue massages are much more than just a chair massage. This year she offered some time for 1 hour massages and filled every hour offered.
We had one Marriage proposal. Successfuly.
And many many curves ridden by lots of smiling riders.
If you weren’t one of the attendees you missed a great event!
Sounds like I missed a great event! 👍👍
--- Quote from: Patmo on July 22, 2019, 12:25:34 pm ---Sounds like I missed a great event!
--- End quote ---
Pat, Yes you did. Several attendees ask if you were coming. Also a member from Michigan stopped by Saturday evening in his car. He was attending something with his wife in Asheville and they needed to drive. He also asked if you were there.
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--- Quote from: Brick on July 22, 2019, 04:33:24 pm --- --- Quote from: Patmo on July 22, 2019, 12:25:34 pm ---Sounds like I missed a great event!
--- End quote ---
Pat, Yes you did. Several attendees ask if you were coming. Also a member from Michigan stopped by Saturday evening in his car. He was attending something with his wife in Asheville and they needed to drive. He also asked if you were there.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
--- End quote ---
Who was that?
--- Quote from: Patmo on July 22, 2019, 05:10:39 pm --- --- Quote from: Brick on July 22, 2019, 04:33:24 pm --- --- Quote from: Patmo on July 22, 2019, 12:25:34 pm ---Sounds like I missed a great event!
--- End quote ---
Pat, Yes you did. Several attendees ask if you were coming. Also a member from Michigan stopped by Saturday evening in his car. He was attending something with his wife in Asheville and they needed to drive. He also asked if you were there.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
--- End quote ---
Who was that?
--- End quote ---
I think his name was Tom but honestly I don’t remember. Sorry. Brick
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