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Great Plains Cycle Supply, Lincoln, Nebraska
Thanks for fixing, saw it earlier and clicked the applaud button by you.
I did say it wasn't a big deal. What can I say, I'm a bit OCD. 25+ years of writing computer software trying to plan for every possible exception and user input does that to you. You'll also note I did comment on the actual topic and not just complain.
Besides Jon said every post we make benefits the group, just tring to do my part...
I've done business with Noah before and have no complaints.
Opps - sorry about the mistake - it is Great Plains Cycle Supply. When you're from Michigan "lakes" just sort of automatic.
--- Quote from: nosvamos on May 21, 2014, 04:36:12 pm ---Opps - sorry about the mistake - it is Great Plains Cycle Supply. When you're from Michigan "lakes" just sort of automatic.
--- End quote ---
And if you like some good beer Great Lakes just rolls off the tongue. "Yes I'll take a tall Dortmunder please"
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