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Forum > Just For Fun Ride Reports

Lowside and Indecision



I have had another buddy take a lowside this year. He's back on his feet like a cat, but maybe I'm bad luck.


Shit happens. I've been on a handful of rides with people crashing, I was leading several of them (well I lead a lot of our group rides so that is no surprise). I try not to read anything into it, have learned to just ride my own ride and try to caution others about road layout and conditions they may not be aware of (this one stretch always has gravel, this section is really has many blind rises, etc).
Glad he was ok, had a ride last year when somebody went down and we had to store the bike somewhere (not rideable) and then ride him to the hospital (broken shoulder).

Yeah we are normally really good about not pressuring anybody and keeping everybody informed of typical hazards we know of. This year I have had 3 friends lowside. Prior to this year, none. That's crazy huh?

It's a shame about friends crashing. But if you go through a curve with no issues and the next guy lowsides, it wasn't you that did it. It was different tires, different riding style, a different line through the curve, and maybe a few dozen other possible issues or combination of issues...over which you had zero control.

One of the guys I've ridden with periodically not only crashed when he rode with me and no one else, he did it three times in a row over the period of a couple of years. Yeah, I was a little hesitant to invite him along for a while, but he's done better the last couple of times out.


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