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Forum > North Carolina

The Snake?

<< < (2/6) > >>

Rode it before it had a name ;)   Like Deal's Gap it can be over run on the weekends with hooligans and posers. I can remember 10 years ago or more at Tri-Star Galen Diehl was recommending against riding there if you had anything that might make your bike a target for LEOs because they were starting to spend a lot of time there righting citations to keep things in order.

We all need to remember, these are public roads with others on them, not a road closed off for our entertainment.

Gonna ride it tomorrow!

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--- Quote from: Brick on March 25, 2020, 08:23:13 pm ---Gonna ride it tomorrow!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

--- End quote ---
Lucky dog...

Does anyone else find it mildly annoying that fun roads get nicknames? Once the "Dragon" moniker came into being, it wasn't long before every road that was anything at all had a nickname. We've got the Devil's Triangle, the Snake, the Dragon (Dragon, Dragon's Tail, and other iterations), Back of the Dragon, and so forth. I've been living and riding in this area longer than most. My earliest memory of US129 was a friend talking about US129 as being a super curvy road at the Tennessee/North Carolina state line...no nickname whatsoever. Maybe I gave it my own by just referring to it as Deal's Gap.
I suppose one of these days someone is going to call the Cherohala Skyway as something else. I have news for that person...Cherohala Skyway IS the name/nickname given the road by the States of Tennessee and North Carolina (it's a portmanteau based on Cherokee and Nantahala National Forests).

Any thoughts?

Yea as soon as a road is named it gets overrun by too many riders/drivers. Kind of ruins it for me.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


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