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Author Topic: Basecamp!?  (Read 20759 times)

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Offline qman8

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« on: April 25, 2014, 10:24:20 pm »
Well...I just spent ANOTHER 2 hours (probably 6 total so far)  trying to figure out the most basic functions of Garmin Basecamp.  I mean...You would think that i could at least enter an address..or a waypoint.  Wow...nothing.

None of the help videos even come close to what i see on my screen.  I play on my computer all day at work, so you would think this would be relatively easy.  NOPE. 

As worthless as Mapsource is/was, I can at least find my way around that archane set of programming!

Anyone else find this just completely useless and insane?????

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Re: Basecamp!?
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2014, 06:09:25 pm »
Well...I just spent ANOTHER 2 hours (probably 6 total so far)  trying to figure out the most basic functions of Garmin Basecamp.  I mean...You would think that i could at least enter an address..or a waypoint.  Wow...nothing.

None of the help videos even come close to what i see on my screen.  I play on my computer all day at work, so you would think this would be relatively easy.  NOPE. 

As worthless as Mapsource is/was, I can at least find my way around that archane set of programming!

Anyone else find this just completely useless and insane? ??? ?

Yes, but....
Our good friend, Roger White, compiled this list of tutorials for BaseCamp from the Delphi forum. If you work your way through them, it will help.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jDqVvHvd754&feature=youtu.be[/font] http://youtu.be/kpRaWRii7hE

Give them a shot...they'll help.
Geoffrey Greene
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Re: Basecamp!?
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2014, 09:26:33 pm »
Well...I just spent ANOTHER 2 hours (probably 6 total so far)  trying to figure out the most basic functions of Garmin Basecamp.  I mean...You would think that i could at least enter an address..or a waypoint.  Wow...nothing.

None of the help videos even come close to what i see on my screen.  I play on my computer all day at work, so you would think this would be relatively easy.  NOPE. 

As worthless as Mapsource is/was, I can at least find my way around that archane set of programming!

Anyone else find this just completely useless and insane? ??? ?
I can't give you an unbiased on this.  I've been installing, using and setting up complex software for years.  At first I thought Mapsource was the way to go and BaseCamp was crap.  After relaxing and giving it a chance, I have completely reversed that opinion.  Most people who make their living with software are intuitive learners.  By that I mean they learn programs just by playing with them.  Your average guy just does not operate that way.  That in no way implies that they are stupid, just a different kind of learner.  My recommendation is to give the tutorials a shot and if that fails, get someone who CAN navigate though BaseCamp and work with them.  If that doesn't work, well, there are always paper maps cause Mapsource is history.
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Re: Basecamp!?
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2014, 01:04:55 am »
I prefer Basecamp over Mapsource myself.  But I've trained myself to use it and I'm gadget friendly so I can learn a program's quirks and work around them pretty quickly. 


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Re: Basecamp!?
« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2014, 09:45:13 am »
I agree the program is almost counter intuitive. It was as if the designers never spent any time with any other
program not relating to Garmin equipment. It will start to come to you, with time.
It seems to be a good program but nothing just make sense as you would expect.
Go through some of those tutorials and it will come. I have always found Garmin programs querky!

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Re: Basecamp!?
« Reply #5 on: April 28, 2014, 06:56:27 pm »
Some of us over here in western NC are using Tyre to make routes in conjunction with BaseCamp. After importing said route into BaseCamp there are still a few things to do with the route then load it into your Garmin. Works pretty well.

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Re: Basecamp!?
« Reply #6 on: April 29, 2014, 01:02:33 pm »
Good luck Q, I never used Mapsource and haven't tried Basecamp. I just pop the .GPX file into my Garmin Nuvi (2450 I think) and let it do the best it can with the routes. Most of the MSTA event routes have worked pretty well that way. I have neither the time nor patience to learn one more new and everchanging piece of software. I do enough of that at work (software developer, old legacy system not a Windows package).
Steve Grabowski
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Re: Basecamp!?
« Reply #7 on: May 14, 2014, 11:21:54 am »
I agree the program is almost counter intuitive. It was as if the designers never spent any time with any other
program not relating to Garmin equipment. It will start to come to you, with time.
It seems to be a good program but nothing just make sense as you would expect.
Go through some of those tutorials and it will come. I have always found Garmin programs querky!

I haven't had the ahem... "pleasure" of dealing with Basecamp.  If, however, Basecamp is counter-intuitive to Garmin's already counter-intuitive programming, it may just be worth the try!

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