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Forum > Illinois

Trailering to Big Lynn Lodge Event


I'm going to the Bill Lynn Lodge MSTA event on July 16 - 19 in Little Switzerland, N.C.Looking for someone in the Chicago Area to share a trailer with.

 I live in Arlington Heights, IL.and plan to travel down on July 15 to Little Switzerland and drive back on July 20.
Please email me if you have a trailer or want to share a rental trailer at g.martin.fitzsimons@gmail.com.
Martin Fitzsimons

July 2023...

I have plans to attend the Big Lynn Lodge event next weekend. At some point in time, I talked with someone about the possibility of sharing my room, but I can't remember who that was.

If you are expecting to attend the rally and share a room with me, please let me know asap.

If I don't figure out who it was, I will have a bed available in my room. I'd be happy to share space and expenses.

I put this in the trailering thread because my wife said she might go...which meant trailering the bike. Now she's decided against going. I won't be trailering now.


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