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It is with the deepest regret and certainly a large amount of displeasure that we must announce that STAR2020 must be cancelled. It is simply going to be too much of a logistical and legal nightmare to pull off such a large gathering during this period of pandemic and governmentally mandated regulations.
To understand the challenges, we suggest you read the CDC website in regards to managing events during this time.
From the CDC report, "The more people an individual interacts with at a gathering and the longer the interaction lasts, the higher the potential risk of becoming infected with Covid-19 and Covid-19 spreading." and, "Highest Risk: Large in-person gatherings where it is difficult for individuals to remain spaced at least 6 foot apart and attendees travel from outside the local area.:
That's STAR in a nutshell, isn't it?
So after getting an opinion on what legal ramifications we might have if we couldn't adhere to all the mandates, after getting medical opinions from various sources, and after discussing the logistics and other factors with club leaders and STAR organizers, the EC was unanimous in its decision to cancel STAR2020 and begin work on STAR2021.
All MSTA members will receive a more in-depth explanation via email, people that have already registered will receive a refund, and the bike raffle will be still held. Look for information on the bike raffle and STAR 2021 in future emails and updates.
The EC
Understood. Tough decision for sure. Thank you for the explanation of all the considerations and uncertainties that impacted the call.
Can we expect an early announcement of STAR 2021 plans? Maybe we could save Tim a lot of refund check writing, if we could just roll over our STAR 2020 fees for the 2021 event.
--- Quote from: GoVFR on June 23, 2020, 08:19:39 pm ---Pat,
Understood. Tough decision for sure. Thank you for the explanation of all the considerations and uncertainties that impacted the call.
Can we expect an early announcement of STAR 2021 plans? Maybe we could save Tim a lot of refund check writing, if we could just roll over our STAR 2020 fees for the 2021 event.
--- End quote ---
Yes....expect the announcement within the next week. Just finishing up some video work for it right now.
We discussed the rolling over of STAR registrations but Tim thought it would be to much of an accounting nightmare, so we decided against it.
Denise and I are donating our registration fees, T-shirt and lunch Ride money to the Dan Clark Safety Program. I just talked to Treasurer Tim, and he said he can put just the registration money, or all of it to the Dan Clark Program.
As Denise says, we already spent the money, so let's put it to good use and have Tim put it in the Dan Clark Fund.
Anyone that would like to do the same, send a message to Tim Macy and let him know how much to put in the Fund. If you do not put all of it in the Dan Clark Fund, he can send a check for the remainder to you.
Even if we do not have a STAR this year, which we were sure looking forward to, we can try to do something good with the money.
Thank you to everyone that will decide to follow us with these donations to the Dan Clark Safety Program.
See you next year!!!
Bummer. The thought regarding cancelling was ever present, I hoped the country would be in better shape at that time. I think rolling everything over to the next year is a great idea!
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