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Forum > Dillard Dual Sport

Dillard Dual-Sport 2021- MSTA Just-For-Fun Event


Dillard Dual-Sport 2021- MSTA Just-For-Fun Event
When: April 1 thru 4, 2021
Where: Dillard, Georgia

Description: A weekend of fairly easy Dual-Sport riding. Mostly two-track, lots of gravel, some rocks, some dirt. Weather should be mild/cool. There are a number of suggested routes to choose from and your hosts, Norm Kern and Doug Pippin will help you load your GPS. Soil in this area is sandy/loamy and drains quickly so there isn't much slippery mud. That said, there are areas that do not favor the large over 1000cc bikes.

Accommodations: The Gateway Inn, Dillard, Georgia (706) 746-3585
When you call to make your reservation, tell them you are with the MSTA group. You will get the preferred rate of $89+ Tax single/double.

GPS route files will be made available at the hotel.

For further information, contact Norm Kern at nkern@kernvideo.com, 937-609-0931 or Doug Pippin at doug.pippin@bellsouth.net, 828-490-8529. We are under siege from telemarketers so we may not answer our phones. Simply leave a message so we can call you back.

More information for MSTA SE Region events  http://msta-se.com

I've had a few people ask if there's a registration for this event

This is a Just For Fun MSTA event and there is no registration and no fee

Just make your motel reservation and show ready to ride

If you know for sure you'll be coming it would be good to let Norm or Doug know a few days prior to the event

You can find information on this and other SE Region events at http://msta-se.com Just click the appropriate link


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