Regional Forums > Virginia

New member in Virginia

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Hey Riders, another VA rider here.  Been riding for decades and split my riding time riding dirt, dualsport, and touring.  Looking forward to meeting folks on some rides and at the STAR rally this year.

Larry Fine:
Hey, Phreak, I'm in Richmond, west Henrico. Where are you?


Welcome to MSTA. Check out the Dan Clark Safety Program on this forum.  This program is designed for our members when they purchase Safety Gear.

You can also read previous articles in the STAReview for more information.
Here’s the link to the Dan Clark Safety Program information...


Welcome....look forward to meeting you at STAR this summer. 

Or for that matter, I’m just looking forward to Summer! 😁. Tired of this cold weather and no riding!  Doesn’t look like it’s been any picnic this winter along the east coast either. ☹️

Thanks for joining up!


--- Quote from: Patmo on February 03, 2021, 06:04:46 am ---Welcome....look forward to meeting you at STAR this summer. 

Or for that matter, I’m just looking forward to Summer! 😁. Tired of this cold weather and no riding!  Doesn’t look like it’s been any picnic this winter along the east coast either. ☹️

Thanks for joining up!

--- End quote ---
I'm used to no riding in winter, usually my best local roads are a mess once they start salting, so I don't try to ride and just park the bikes. But the constant cold, and once we had a snowpack make it really undesirable to go outside at all. Working from home going on a full year I also have little reason to leave home on a daily basis.

Last weekend we had abundant sunshine, but temps in the mid 20s. Saturday I put on some cold weather gear and had a nice hike. Sunday I went for a drive to absorb more sun, but my Outback doesn't handle nearly as well as a bike, though it was comfy and warm inside.

Welcome Jeff (phreakingeek) and hope to meet you at STAR.


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