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Forum > The Garage

DR650 Suspension

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I recommend the Cogent DDC kit for the forks, but I went with a TFX shock from Ted Porter's Beemer Shop    https://www.beemershop.com/
It's been ~5 years, but the TFX was ~ same $'s, and had more features. I've been extremely pleased with the shock. FYI I'm 6'1", 250 lbs - the stock suspension really sucked for me.

Here's the link to the extensive write up I did describing all the modifications I did to my DR. Scroll down and you will find the suspension section.

Paco Bulto:
I don't see the link.

Here it is. I think I forgot to paste it in.


Paco Bulto:
Got it. A well done writeup, thanks. I am 180 # so the .52 springs with the DDC's work for me and I have the standard Mojave shock that also works well for me. Many of your upgrades are the same as I have done on my 2 DR's and 1 that I built for a buddy. I had the TM40 on my first DR and went with the TM42 on my last one and like it a lot.

Again, thanks for the writeup. I enjoyed reading it.

Fred Z.


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