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Forum > STAR 2021

Lodging options

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Recently a couple of people were informed that there were no more rooms at the Lodge available in the MSTA block. We checked with the sales manager and found out this was a mistake on the part of some new staff.  However, as the number of people registering for the event continues to grow (over 200 as of now!) there is the possibility that it could sell out.  But don't fear if it does, there are options in the area.  There are several Mom and Pop type motels, cabins, houses, and camp grounds with a few miles or more of the resort.  Most of which are not used very much in the summer (its a ski area primarily and they have been really busy this winter). Start your search by going to www.canaanvalley.org.

I reserved online a couple weeks ago thru their website and had no issues, and even got my confirmation number, though that says "pending property acceptance". Since I noticed they charged me the "deposit" portion already I sure hope I have a valid reservation.  ;)

Larry Fine:
I'm still looking for either a group to chip in for a cabin, or to chip in on an available room in one.

Larry Fine:

--- Quote from: Larry Fine on March 08, 2021, 06:59:05 pm ---I'm still looking for either a group to chip in for a cabin, or to chip in on an available room in one.

--- End quote ---

Larry Fine:

--- Quote from: Patmo on March 18, 2021, 06:23:56 pm ---There are still 12 cabins of different sizes available.

--- End quote ---
Attention: Anyone who would like to stay in a cabin or cottage (bathroom(s), full kitchen, bike right outside, trees, deer, fresh air), or even just discuss it, please contact me.

I am willing to become a "cabin master" for a group of two to four (singles or couples) of us. The cottages have four bedrooms (three twins, one queen) and two full baths.


Added: I have one interested so far!


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