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Forum > STAR 2021

Best airport for STAR

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If you do come thru Pittsbugh and have some time to see the sites along the way to Davis WV I have a couple of recommendations. Frank Lloyd Wright's Falling Water and the Flight 93 Memorial are both located near Somerset. I've been to both and am considering an overnight stay in Somerset with a trip to Flight 93 before the final part of the ride to Davis.

Not sure if you're driving or have a bike rental lined up, either way enjoy the trip. And hope to see you at STAR.

Thanks Steve!

My family is from Somerset County, so if decide to fly into Pitt and rent a bike, I would highly recommend US HWY 219 from I-68 south to Davis.  Old 219 in Somerset County through Berlin is also fun but it is getting hard to find due to the new road.   Route 160 to Cumberland, Md is also a great route down.  You can take 36 through Westernport.  36 goes through several old coal towns that time has forgotten.  There are a number of other great routes as well.  I currently live in NC but will go from David to Somerset after STAR.  There is a lot of good riding in the area.  I ride from NC to PA at least three of four times every year frequently taking different routes.  You can also go east from Davis on Route 90 which is a good ride Up to 560 and back over to US 219 in Grantsville, MD.

If you are interested in Frank Lloyd Wright Kentuck Knob is great house to visit.  It is close to Falling Water but is more livable and has great views with a cool art exhibit on the grounds.

Thanks for that route info, I was wondering if US219 was good or too busy. I forget what route I used last time I was there, we were headed to Staunton VA and I recall going thru some towns near the PA/MD border and along the interstate, possibly Frostburg or Cumberland. We finished with US33 into Harrisonburg then down the interstate. We had a lot of free time and ran 33 from Judy Gap to Franklin an extra 2 times (over, back and over again) to enjoy those twisties over the mountain.

Man I need to go for a ride :)

Larry Fine:
Attention: Anyone who would like to stay in a cabin or cottage (bathroom(s), full kitchen, bike right outside, trees, deer, fresh air), or even just discuss it, please contact me.

I am willing to become a "cabin master" for a group of two to four (singles or couples) of us. The cottages have four bedrooms (three twins, one queen) and two full baths.

It's nice to be able to walk 20 feet from your room to your bike. Plus, I'm bringing fixings for brownies, which is why I want a kitchen.


Added: I have one interested so far!


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