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Forum > STAR 2021
STAR 2021 Routes Website is online!
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Well I’m having an issue I’ve not seen before. I have a Nav 6. I downloaded the zip file of the gpx files. Unzipped them on my PC into a su file I made. I click on one of the routes and the Garmin BaseCamp setup Wizard starts. I click next, I accept and click next then I get an MSI Error. InstallFailure.
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--- Quote from: Brick on May 11, 2021, 02:11:31 pm ---Well I’m having an issue I’ve not seen before. I have a Nav 6. I downloaded the zip file of the gpx files. Unzipped them on my PC into a su file I made. I click on one of the routes and the Garmin BaseCamp setup Wizard starts. I click next, I accept and click next then I get an MSI Error. InstallFailure.
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--- End quote ---
First question: what heck is an su file? Second, did you read Norm's "Downloading and Using MSTA STAR21 Routes" instructions?
--- Quote from: NinjaBob on May 11, 2021, 03:14:16 pm --- --- Quote from: Brick on May 11, 2021, 02:11:31 pm ---Well I’m having an issue I’ve not seen before. I have a Nav 6. I downloaded the zip file of the gpx files. Unzipped them on my PC into a su file I made. I click on one of the routes and the Garmin BaseCamp setup Wizard starts. I click next, I accept and click next then I get an MSI Error. InstallFailure.
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--- End quote ---
First question: what heck is an su file? Second, did you read Norm's "Downloading and Using MSTA STAR21 Routes" instructions?
--- End quote --- Sorry su was supposed to be subfile file. And yes I’ve read it 5 times.
Recently I deleted BaseCamp and went to Garmin and reinstalled it. Now I click on one of the routes and it’s trying to install BaseCamp for an hour. WTH???
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WOW! Pat must have been in a bad mood when he wrote the response to me. I waited, and see that a few others have similar questions. First, it seems like Pat is saying, if I don't like and cannot follow the routes provided, make my own and then hope that I get back to the resort before it is time to go home. Then as I look at it some more, maybe he is saying, if anyone doesn't like the routes, they should stay home. Well, I have thought and looked and I will use the #22 route to Tom's to explain. Near Oakland, the map shows the route on 219, but that is not listed on the turn-by-turn directions. I do see listed R221 several times, but not shown on any of the maps. I don't see any road names on the map for any of the route. I have designed routes for our MS RRR for many years, and have had many compliments for the little extras added, such as town names when you get near them and such. There is not one town listed on this route. What if someone makes a wrong turn, there is no way to find your self back to the route, or even find your way back to the Resort. We don't want to end up somewhere in the middle of no-where listening to banjos playing. On the attached page of this year's MS RRR route, you can see that I have also added a road name and the road number if it uses both.
Carl I'm fairly certain Pat is not trying to tell you any of those things. He may simply be saying if the routes that are supplied don't work or are too hard to follow you can create your own.
I bought my first GPS primarily because I was having trouble following routes at events without them, since my vision didn't allow me to read map on tank bag while moving and finding some of the turns (those smaller roads that often don't have numbers) was becoming more difficult.
The simple fact is GPS routing with shared routes is not an exact science since it relies on many factors. I've had trouble with my share of GPS routes, usually because of my own short cuts (I don't often use basecamp or other software to load routes to my GPS).
As for how things are labeled, using names instead of numbers that the stupid GPS. Also many turn by turn directions become pointless in towns as 10-20 turns is all about following the same US or state highway thru town, which can usually be done by paying attention.
Since I often lead and am responsible for following routes I spend some time in my hotel room each night reviewing the route, looking at maps to try and make sure I have some general idea of where we're going and what routes we're following.
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