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Forum > STAR 2021
New update on STAR rooms as of 5/7/2021
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Just got an email from Ryan at the resort. They have had some cancellations and there are now about 10 rooms available. Please call Ryan directly at 304-866-2213 to reserve on of those rooms. Hurry before they are gone!
There is also still one 4-bedroom cabin available too.
--- Quote from: Falcofred on May 13, 2021, 03:34:49 pm ---I've already posted over in 'Lodging Options', but I will again here. My riding buddy had an accident and can't make the rally. I have a double room that I'm looking to share with someone.
I'm a non smoking, occasional snorer, light drinking, easy going BMW rider. Let me know if you want to split a room in the lodge.
John Friedrichs aka Falcofred MSTA #1471
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I’m checking with John Panek to see if he is still looking for a room to share with someone.
--- Quote from: Falcofred on May 13, 2021, 03:34:49 pm ---I've already posted over in 'Lodging Options', but I will again here. My riding buddy had an accident and can't make the rally. I have a double room that I'm looking to share with someone.
I'm a non smoking, occasional snorer, light drinking, easy going BMW rider. Let me know if you want to split a room in the lodge.
John Friedrichs aka Falcofred MSTA #1471
--- End quote ---
John is still looking for someone to share a room with….how can he contact you? I can private message him.
Larry Fine:
Is there a way to coordinate between those with space and those looking?
--- Quote from: Larry Fine on May 13, 2021, 06:09:56 pm ---Is there a way to coordinate between those with space and those looking?
--- End quote --- There is no formal place or process for that. The best options are posting here and on FB. If you have local members you're in contact with that is usually where I start. A separate thread dedicated to that (e.g. "STAR 21 looking for a room / roommate") may work best but posting it here is also probably OK. The good part about a dedicated thread is it all goes there, and there may be less double posting of the same thing in multiple somewhat related threads.
Also my experience over about 20 years in this club is that most people have their normal travel group and roommates. Not many are looking for some person to share a room with. One time when my roommate cancelled for Mail Pouch I posted in some places, and another Ohio member who had a room with 2 beds to themselves offered to share with me. There was no room shortage and they were perfectly happy with a room to themselves. That isn't meant to discourage people from looking for roommates only an attempt to set your expectations and finding a partner. Same can go for looking for a group to ride with, some may welcome an unknown rider, others may not.
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