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Forum > Just For Fun Ride Reports

Fall Colors 2021

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I had a month of very little riding during September, so I decided to do something about it. I woke up a bit early yesterday, took care of personal stuff, and headed for the bike for a ride up to Lewisburg, WV. I knew it was too early in the weekend to see many people, but I figured I might get to say hello to Syd at the Fall Colors Ride 2021 before turning around and coming back home. It would have been nice to stay the weekend and get some fun miles in, but I have an MSF rider ed class this weekend and limited time.
I pulled out of my driveway around 8:00 and headed for the nearest big road. Interstates aren't my favorite choice of roads, but for a 600+ mile day and wanting to be back home before dark, it was the best option. I had just over 12 hours of daylight, so it was time to boogie.
After a couple of fuel stops, food, and 5 hours, I pulled into the motel in Lewisburg. Syd wasn't around, so I gave him a call. He was down town doing what we do second best after riding...eating lunch with friends. I rode down, had a nice chat with Syd and a few other folks, and then headed back home.
Ok...so not the most exciting day I've ever had. But it still felt good to get some miles under my belt. It pushed my total for the month over 1k and my total for the year over 18k. I certainly hope to get more curvy miles in during October, but I have rider ed classes scheduled for 4 out of the 5 weekends. Hmmm...Texas Hill Country is on my open weekend. Making plans...

I just got home from Fall Colors 2021 and had a great time, got in some great rides with great people. I'd like to thank Ron Vess and Norm Kern for allowing me to tag along with them on Friday and Saturday. I'd like to thank Syd Mayes for organizing the event, the Thursday night dinner, and of course for the great weather.

John Friedrichs aka Falcofred

No Tickets or crashes and perfect weather with only about 15 miles of adventure gravel mixed in over 2 days of riding.  If you missed it put it on the calendar for next year!

What a great 4 day weekend that was, 1200 miles of mostly fun roads with just enough slab mixed in to keep the days from being too long. The 350+ mile trip to the rally and back from NE Ohio are good long days, mixed in with some 250 or so mile rides at the event. Good company, visiting with friends new and old etc. We had a bit of rain on the way home yesterday, but barely enough to warrant any rain gear, and never really got wet. Plus it was warm enough that a bit of rain didn't bother us.

My brother is on his way back to Michigan after some pizza and football last night at my place. (GO BROWNS!) He messaged me earlier that he hit some rain, stopped to put gear on, and then it poured.

Had to be the best weather in years, it was foggy and a bit cool in the mornings, but nothing like the years I recall leaving for home in sub 40 temps, or waking up to snow at Snowshoe Inn.

My 1st MSTA event and I really enjoyed it! Nice people. Great roads, well, maybe except for that one that had square or rectangular patches over other square patches. I don't have a clue where that was at. I just followed Brick and the gang or more accurately, I followed their vapor trail.


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