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Forum > Texas Hill Country

Texas Hill Country Ride 2021


Nice video about the Texas Hill Country Rally put together 5-6 years ago.  One week out, if you haven't pre-registered, we will have onsite registration next week Thursday-Saturday am in the lobby of the YO Ranch Hotel.  You may call them for a room reservation at 1-877-967-3767 and ask for the MSTA block for a discounted rate.  And now for your viewing pleasure....

With new tires, rotors, brake pads, and fork seals (start with tires and you find all that other stuff is needed too), I'm looking forward to being there next week!


--- Quote from: HawkGTRider on October 13, 2021, 02:50:34 pm ---With new tires, rotors, brake pads, and fork seals (start with tires and you find all that other stuff is needed too), I'm looking forward to being there next week!

--- End quote ---
Wait you finally have a weekend off and can get away?  Enjoy the rally Geoffrey and everybody else who is attending.

Yes...I have 6 days of riding planned. Of course, 2 of those days are getting from East Tennessee to Kerrville and 2 days back. I COULD do an 1100 mile day to get there, but I'd be so stove-up, what would be the point? I'll take two days in each direction and get a decent night's sleep each night.


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