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My Cardo Packtalk Bold will last about 7 hours on a full charge and that is with it playing music as well.
--- Quote from: HawkGTRider on February 22, 2023, 08:39:23 am ---Just long does a battery last during the day? My Sena S50 typically runs out of juice in less than a day. The guys in our riding "group" have started giving them a little charge from the bike battery at stops (a good one during lunch). I also carry two units, which I know is an extravagance.
--- End quote ---
Using the mesh system really cuts down on battery life. Just playing music I can easily go all day and not be out of juice. Running the mesh system I find that 7 hours or so is the max time it will last.
I have one of the Cardo Packtalk series units and can share my music with my passenger and talk to her at the same time.
Lasts 7+ hours, very happy with it.
I have a Sena 50S and it may last all day (7-8 hours) if I remember to turn it off at stops, especially lunch. That's with music and mesh for communication. I have carried a small batter pack in my tank bag for years to charge devices, and will check it at lunch and top off if its low. I'm usually switching batteries in my GoPro camera at lunch, just one more task to handle.
I wish I had gotten one years ago, even just listening to music when I ride is great. Being able to talk to others makes travel so much easier. The voice interface to my phone is too quiet (cannot hear what it says to me in prompts) for me to make much use of it.
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