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Forum > STAR 2023
Opening Ceremony change
Because of how many people have been coming to STAR early, and because of how convenient and close Knoxville is for so many people, we have decided to have the “official” opening ceremony on SATURDAY evening this year. The closing banquet will still be on Wednesday. From talking with the hotel, it seems that this will work out for many as they said that most of the reservations are showing a Saturday arrival for the vast majority of people. Lots even coming in on Friday too!
The other thing is that it means that there will be no need to hurry back to the hotel if you’re out riding the area on Sunday. Take advantage of the weekend day and the late twilight and stay out as long as you wish.
As of last Friday the hotel had reservations for the event that totaled 677 room nights! They are ecstatic! But don’t worry, there are still rooms available at the hotel, AND there are lots of hotels close by, including a Hampton Inn right next door. We are basically taking over the hotel!
You are just full of all kinds of good info. (not sarcasm Sheldon) I think many will enjoy the early arrival. However, we COULD have a snowball affect. If you make the official opening on Friday night then folks will start showing up on Thursday. See a pattern here. LOL Some like to be ahead of the curve (pun intended) but the curve is moving. I like the Saturday night change myself and I think it will work out well. Looking forward to seeing everyone and getting into those hills and mountains. Arrive Alive everyone, TM
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