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Forum > Just For Fun Ride Reports
Pacific Northwest trip
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Not an event report but a report of a 6000 mile road trip by 4 MSTA members to the Pacfic Northwest in August. The jouney was made a bit more interesting by large swings in temperature and dodging wildfires blocking our route! The plan was to ride out to the Pacfic in Washington State and then work back through Montana and the Dakotas.
The group included Kevin from the NOLA area on his R1250 GSA, Tony on his R1250 RT and myself on my Yamaha Tracer 9 GT from the Baton Rouge area and Scott on his R1250 GS form northeast OK We met up on a Saturday in Amarillo TX. I left on Friday and rode to Paris Texas for the night, about half distance to Amarillo and a frequent starting point for my trips out west. Saturdays 400 mile ride to Amarillo saw temps as high as 105F. The humidity was not as high as I am used to in south Louisiana and I was not terribly uncomfortable in my mesh riding gear and cooling towel. However, I made sure to stop every 100 miles or so to rehydrate and wet my towel. It was certainly good to have a motel room waiting for me with the AC on full! The four of us enjoyed a steak for supper at the BIg Texan Steak Ranch a short walk from the motel.
Sunday's destination was Salida, CO. We rode through Dalhart, TX and Clayton, NM to Raton, NM where we picked up I-25 to Walsenburg, CO. From there we went west on CO 69 which I have ridden several times on trips to the Sport Touring Association Rendesvous in Avon. A few miles soth of US 50 we took a shortcut on a county rod to Cotopaxi where we stopped for fuel and a snack. THat is Tony seated on the right. The two guys on the left were local dual sport riders, also taking a break.
The ride on US 50 to Salida was pleasant. We ate at the first of several Mexican resaurants but the Margheritas and food were great!
More to come.
Monday's destination was Rock Springs, WY, one of our longest days, 432 miles. We rode up US 285 and US 24 to Leadville one of the highest elevation cities in the US at 10,158 feet. We stopped there for breakfast. Our typical riding day consists of an early start followed by a 75 to 150 mile run and a stop for a good breakfast (usually skipping lunch, except maybe some pie). Today's breakast was at the Golden Burrow Cafe a favorite eating spot for our riding groups on our many treks to the Rockies. However after studying the menu we realized the place has turned vegan since our last visit! Three of us were outraged and elected to eat only pancakes. I enjoyed a healthy breakfast scramble with hashbrowns, spinach, fake eggs and fake sausage topped witha pretty slice of avocado. It was pretty tasty!
After breakfast we continued up US 24. A quarter mile from the cafe I noticed my GPS was not in its cradle. I immeditely let the group know over our Cardo communicator group that I was turning around to look for it. Kevin was able to turn around faster than I could and when I did I see him standing in the road waving for an 18 wheeler to stop! He picked up my Zumo and remounted. THanks again Kevin!
WE rode US 24 which has some nice curves and scenery to I 70 which we rode west to Rifle, CO. Then CO 13 a 64 to Dinosaur, US 40 to Vernal, US 91 into Wyoming to I-80 and finally a short jog east on I-80 to Rock Springs
Tuesday August 15 was our shortest day, only 267 miles, because the Klim fans wanted to stop at Klim headquarters and retail store in Rigby, Idaho to try on gear and shop. We rode US 191 and US 189 North Northwest to Teton National Forest with a stop in Pinedale WY for breakfast at the Wrangler Cafe. Then US 25 to Alpine and into Idaho following the Snake River on US 25.
The Klim store was pretty neat, they do have great gear. After a about an hour of hanging out while Scott bough some gloves and a shirt we made our final short leg to Rexburg.
August 16 was a 443 mile day to La Grande, OR. US 20 to Boise and then I-84 up to La Grande. The only memorable thing about this day was our breakfast stop in Arco, ID. Thr food and service at Pickle's Place was oustanding and the guys who had pancakes all said they were the best and largest they remember ever eating.
My breakfast YUM!
Hi Bob,
I'm not sure how many actually read the forum and I still can't see what Facebook has to offer over a forum...but it is what it is I guess. Regardless, I'm interrupting the flow of your trip report with this post to let you know there is at least one person out here enjoying it! Wow, fake eggs and fake sausage?'re a tough dude. :clap:
Sorry for the please continue. 8) :)
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