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Forum > Texas Hill Country

30th Annual Texas Hill Country Ride


The THCR was pulled off without a hitch with 56 registered guests with only 4 no shows despite the less than promising weather forecast.  Attendees enjoyed a hamburger and hot dog social hosted by Todd and Jean Nunnally at their house with a shuttle service provided by the YO on Thursday night.  This was the second year they have done hosted a meal for those that arrive on Thursday.  Riders took advantage of drying roads on Friday to get in some miles on some of the provided routes.  Saturday morning means breakfast at Destination Cycles, just down from the YO where coffee, breakfast tacos and doughnuts were on offing.  Our traditional Ice Cream Social that afternoon was hosted as usual by Joe and Michelle Paolilli at their house and that evenign we enjoyed a Tex-Mex buffett at the YO.  Next year STAR will replace our October ride and bigger and better things are planned.  We hope you will come to Kerrville and enjoy typical MSTA camraderie and some great roads.
Mike Gilliland

Thanks Mike for hosting this event and sharing photos  :trink39:

The MSTA SMUGMUG PHOTO UPLOAD LINK for this event is here ----->>> https://msta.smugmug.com/upload/SzpMvR/2023THC     Please upload photos you wish to share here. Pretty please?...I know there are more photos out there just sitting on peoples phones...please share whatcha got with us.

To see photos --->https://msta.smugmug.com/RegionalEvents-2/TEXAS-HILL-COUNTRY/2023-Texas-Hill-Country


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