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Forum > Canaan Valley MSTA Rally

Canaan Valley Rally 2024…..Announcement!


Something new and different coming to the CV Rally in 2024!   

We will be organizing and promoting this event together with representatives of the BMWRA!

This will become a joint MSTA/BMWRA rally. So expect to see even more riders attending and possibly even some new activities. It will still follow our general MSTA sanctioned event format, but it will be even bigger and better! With more people, more bikes, and possibly some new surprises along the way.


There will be a Tuesday evening cookout at the lodge, catered by the lodge staff, and held outside in the large Pavilion next to the lodge.The menu will include hotdogs, hamburgers, sides, fixings, and drinks.  This will be included in your rally registration at no additional charge.


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