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Forum > The Garage
Found excellent replacement battery
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I have two Optimate tenders that I swap between 5 bikes and one Zero Turn mower. I used to have the Deltran tenders but we have frequent power outages and the Deltrans don't seem to like that. The Optimates have proven more durable.
I agree, not all batteries will last forever. Just like a cycle or auto, some have less troubles than others, and not always the same brand and model. But, the more we can do to help to eliminate the problems, such like using a Battery Tender when not using the bike or car will help to prolong the life.
I bought a 2014 F150 when it was 3 yr old and 35,000 miles, so it was not driven a whole lot. It now has about 80,000 miles and is 10 yr old. The last time I had it serviced, they questioned me, as it is the original battery by the serial number and date code. And, it still tested with very good amps. They said that seemed little long for the life in that type of vehicle.
I do put a Battery Tender on it when I think it is going to sit for more than a few days, but I still don't know about the first three years of its life. And, an automotive battery to last that long is still good.
But, now that I brag about it, it may not start tomorrow.
The key is if it is a "smart" charger of any brand, USE IT DUMMY!!! LOL ;) It sure helps. TM
Interesting comment in the initial post about getting an actual manual with the battery that covered initial charging process. Every YUASA battery I have purchased had that kind of information. I've had pretty good luck with batteries, especially if the rest of the bikes charging system is in good order (98 VFR and the dreaded R/R plus a bad stator).
I do agree with using a battery tender, something I learned from others in my riding circle early on. I think for a few years I was even removing them from the bike and bringing them inside (unattached and drafted garage). This past Christmas I got one of the newest Battery Tender Jr as a gift, was one short now that all my bikes are in working order. That one came with an interesting cable setup, only one cable with the clips to attach to the battery removable from their end fittings by taking out a screw. That's great as I rarely used the other ones and had several extras lying around.
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