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Forum > General Discussion


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 I'm going to buy a top case and a tank bag and considering GIVI or SHAD. I'm looking for opinions/advice of each for quality, durability or any other pro's and con's. My e-mail is tntst1300@bex.net I greatly appreciate anyones thoughts and experiences. Thank you. Tom Fitkin.

I’ve never used Shad but I’ve had GIVI and liked them. Only problem I’ve ever had has been with the keys getting weak and breaking off after several years, but that can happen with any key over time.

I've used the same GIVI top box for @ least 20 years that has been on at least 10 bikes.  This one has survived get offs at speed and has never leaked.  Thumbs up on Givi.

As far as tank bags go stay away from Nelson Riggs.  I've trashed 2 due to zippers.  I have had good luck with RKA.

Hope this helps you some.

Ditto on the RKA's for soft bags. I have tank, tail and side bags I've used on several bikes maybe 30 years. Doesn't have the particular benefits of hard bags but there is always tase offs. Our friends Rick & Kathy at RKA is still in business and long time club members supporters.

As it turns out after all these years I have never used after market hard bags. My .02.   TM

Paco Bulto:
Tom, I thought I read that Rich and Kathy were retiring the business.


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