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Forum > For Sale
Sold! in 48 hours: 1973 Honda trail 90
This one pains me as I lusted after one of these in the early 70s as a boy. My dad was a guy from the depression era so if it didn't make money for the farm it was a big NO. Fast forward to me in my 60s now and I saw this unmolested trail 90 in mars orange on ADV Rider that I just had to have. I bought it thinking I'd ride it all over town and take it to car shows. Unfortunately my body is telling me forget about it! My kicking starting days are long done and my knees don't fold up like they once did so its time sell it to someone that can enjoy it. After that long explanation here it is.
99% original 1973 Honda trail 90 in Mars Orange can be your for $2000. It needs nothing but someone to ride it. Make a prefect pit bike or campground runabout. Located in Tipp City OH.
What were you thinking? ;)
A question that I have been asked more than once in my life...
That was the first motorized bike I rode, my brother's brother-in-law had one and I rode it a few times at their property and then around some places in Ohio. The clutch less shifter (if my memory serves and same bike, appears to be) was a real bonus to somebody who had not yet driven a vehicle with a manual shift.
What was he thinking indeed, cannot blame Bill for trying to recapture that youth :)
My mind was writing checks my body no long can cash I'm afraid. Good news is I got my investment back.
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