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Forum > General Discussion

Movie...The Bikeriders

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Just curious if anyone has seen this movie yet. I'm debating going to see it. The theatre must be expecting it to be lightly attended...only one theatre in town with one viewing scheduled each day. I'm not going tonight, but the only time it's showing is 9:10 p.m. tonight.

For anyone having seen it...your opinion?


Nope, not interested. Just a modern version of the same old lame $hit distributed by lame Hollywood. They shouldn't glorify that crap.

Paco Bulto:
My son and I saw it a couple weeks ago. It seemed to me that they tried to recreate what they thought was a typical 1960's era outlaw motorsickle gang movie, but in my opinion they overdid everything. The "Chicago" accents were a bit too much. The leader of the gang was named Johnny, naturally and to demonstrate how tough he was, any time he talked he had a cigarette dangling from his lips while talking. Sometimes, it was lit, other times not, but by golly there it was dangling.

On the other hand, the day we saw it, the outdoor temperature was 101 and the air conditioning in the theater was very cool. Wish I could have said that about the movie.

Fred Z.

Thanks for the opinions. I think you guys saved me an afternoon and a few bucks.

Much of that movie was shot in the Cincinnati area. I know a few people that appeared as extras in the movie after answering a casting call a couple of years ago.  I’ve yet to see the movie so I’ve no opinion on how good it is or isn’t. I’ve read mixed reviews.


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