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Forum > MSTA Sanctioned Event Reports

Kerrville STAR 2024

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About a half dozen of our hard core arrived Thursday (yesterday) with plans to set up registration and "get things ready" on Friday (today). It's the first time I've seen most of these folks since my little incident in Little Switzerland, North Carolina last July, and likewise, they've not seen me since STAR last year either. It feels really good to be back on two wheels and I'm hoping to see a bunch of people here.

I rode a relatively-new-to-me bike this year. It's a 2019 Honda NC750X. I was meandering through the pre-loved bikes at my local Honda dealer one day last spring when I was there to pick up some parts. It's blue (good color for me), standard tranny (not a DCT), and had just a bit over 9,000 miles on it. I made them an offer that wasn't too insulting and it was accepted. I guess I probably rode it to STAR one day last year (I was staying at home and commuting back and forth to the hotel in Knoxville), but this is the first long trip to STAR on this bike. So far so good!
I thought about riding my 2007 BMW F650GS. It's been to 8 different STARs so far. It's a fun bike and pushes lots of the right buttons for me. But I really wanted to see how the NC would do on a good long ride. So far, it's been good.

See you soon?


Good on ya, Geoffrey!  So glad to hear this are progressing along and the new bike is working out. No, you won't see me at STAR this year but I'm wishing everyone safe and happy miles. Hate to miss it.    TM

Great to see you at STAR again :trink39:

Great to see that you made it to Texas Geoffrey!
We were not able to go this year, as we have been gone so much this past year on trips and cruises. We also were in Kerrville 2 years ago for the Rally and enjoyed the area and roads. 3rd time in the area in the past 7 years.
We hope everyone is having a fantastic time!
Until next time, We hope everyone finds time to visit the megatropolis of Luckenback.

We WERE there today. The Vintage Motorcycle Museum in Johnson City was open today so that was a definite stop. And since they are closed Monday-Wednesday, it was very likely the only day we could check it out unless we stopped by there on the way home Thursday. We went by Luckenbach after leaving Johnson City.

Tomorrow? There's a bit of the "herding cats phenomenon" going on, and no decision has been made for Monday yet. We do need to get back in time for the members meeting where the usual stuff will be discussed and STAR 2025 will be announced. Check back here for dates and place.


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