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Forum > The Garage

How's the bike?

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I'm feeling a little blue. It's now over 2/3 of the way to the end of the month and I've ridden a grand total of 3 days so far this month. That's pathetic! I have hopes for a couple of days of riding following Christmas (dry weather and warmer temps). Also, I anticipate riding down to Stockton, AL on the 29th for the "Last Big Ride of the Year" lunch on the 30th. So I may still end up with enough miles to sound respectable.
After Christmas I hope to ride my CB300F for a decent number of miles to get a baseline of mpg. I have a new front sprocket with a +1 teeth over stock, and I've seen folks recommending adding the tooth to make 1st gear a bit more usable. It'll also slow the rpms on higher gears by a small amount. If it happens to add a tiny bit to mpg, I'll not be disappointed.


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