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Forum > Texas

2025 Daytona Bikeweek


I'll make this an open invitation for you guys. This is my first draft and I'm sure there will be changes. You are welcome to participate in any part of my adventure.
Dayton Bike Week 2025
Day 1:   Ft Worth-Jackson, MS 520 miles
Day 2: Jackson, MS-Birmingham, AL 257 miles
Day 3: Barber’s Motorcycle Museum, $20 admission. try to make Mongomery, AL after the museum 110 miles. Or Marianna, FL 243 miles.
Day 4: Montgomery-Dayton Beach (or DeLand) 448 miles. (320 from Marianna)
Day 5: Dayton Beach
Day 6: Dayton Beach, go to Gainesville (or Ocala), FL this evening 100 miles
Day 7: Gainesville- New Orleans 594
Day 8: NOLA (Café du Monde)-Beaumont, TX 301 miles
Day 9: Beaumont-Ft Worth 321 miles

Plan “A” would start on February 25. Barber’s is closed Sundays. I’m flexible shifting plans a couple days. See the below attachment for a general itinerary of things I like to do during Bike Week.

You can't change what you haven't planned to start with....looks like you've got a good start.


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