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Author Topic: Greeting from da region  (Read 15567 times)

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Greeting from da region
« on: July 02, 2014, 09:04:45 pm »
Griff here from Crown Point, IN.  Saw a mention of an MSTA event in early August and thought I would check it out.  Can't make that River City ride, but I do like to meander down to southern Indiana since there ain't squat in NW Indiana.  I ride an 03 FJR, also have a Hondapotamus and a 2000 Triumph Sprint ST (lovely tornado red).  Speaking of red, I am currently drooling over that new 2014 FJR, but my wife says sumpins gotta go since it won't fit in the garage.  Heck, the car can sit in the driveway.

Anyone in NW Indiana shout out.  I'm allways looking for an excuse to ride.

Carl Griffis

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Re: Greeting from da region
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2014, 10:48:32 pm »
Let me be the first to welcome you.  To bad about not being able to make it to the River City Ride, it's always a good time, and a fine location, with a fun cast of characters always there.  I'm sure this 25th edition will not disappoint.  Another event you should consider is the Mail Pouch Fly-by in Marrietta, Ohio later in August.  A little further to go for sure, but since it gives you the opportunity to ride SE Ohio and West Virgina, it's certainly worth the extra effort and time to get there and back.

Hope to see you there or at some of the other MSTA rides/events in the future.

Pat M.
not all that wander are lost


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