Regional Forums > Michigan

RIDE: Michigan Fall Color Ride, Saturday October 11th. Kickstands up at 9:00AM

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Hello All,
Going to meet this year at the Overtyme Grill and Tap Room parking lot, 4724 Dixie Hwy., Waterford MI (It is just south of last years meeting spot off Dixie and Floradale Rd.  (If the numbers are as large as last year we will have ample room.).
Kickstands up at 9:00AM.
First break stop will be at the Mobil Station M24 and I69 approximately 48 miles away. I have a report our route may be compromised at this point.  I can adjust if necessary.
Next break will be at the Speedway in Vassar another 77 miles.
We will have lunch and then head to the Cider Mill in Lapeer.  Plan your fuel accordingly.
All Backroads ride to Frankenmuth for lunch at the Dead Creek.  With a loop back to Lapeer MI to the Past Tense Cider Mill.
Links to Dead Creek and Past Tense Cider Mill;
There is not a direct page to the Dead Creek;
Past Tense Cider Mill;

Link to RIDE route (says 142 miles, but we do a little out and back in Frankenmuth to add a little);,+Waterford+Township,+MI&daddr=42.7523872,-83.360984+to:42.8243038,-83.2821126+to:42.8309071,-83.1418448+to:42.970325,-83.2886588+to:42.993843,-83.3011799+to:1473+S+Lapeer+Rd,+Lapeer,+MI+to:43.014221,-83.344508+to:43.063366,-83.3432444+to:43.136724,-83.406983+to:43.19009,-83.429606+to:43.2446331,-83.4323344+to:43.2960685,-83.4880445+to:43.297697,-83.5830838+to:43.3701959,-83.5845086+to:43.3453853,-83.6213253+to:43.326112,-83.665895+to:656+S+Main+St,+Frankenmuth,+MI+to:43.263445,-83.662033+to:43.1792053,-83.6600105+to:43.088441,-83.5182898+to:1965+Farnsworth+Rd,+Lapeer,+MI&hl=en&ll=43.100482,-83.412666&spn=0.208314,0.349159&sll=43.162869,-83.412666&sspn=0.208102,0.349159&geocode=FZRciwId1rQH-ymvz5V8y5ckiDFL3oH6cAPoig%3BFYNZjAIdKAMI-ylPWq14NJEkiDH5rnLm_mONGA%3BFW9yjQIdQDcJ-ymxNc7MYo0kiDHTIn4hDek2wQ%3BFTuMjQIdLFsL-ykdAHy-wfEkiDGh_GZi0LYrHg%3BFdWsjwIdrh0J-ymLXu8siYokiDGFYW2a0oeEsg%3BFbMIkAIdxewI-ym5ACAmyWEkiDF6KFqdG67G8Q%3BFUJokAIdvJoI-yldUeGZnWEkiDE9UVNjOOGXIg%3BFU1YkAIdhEMI-ynFjMGNLmIkiDH9i6VIm9uODg%3BFUYYkQIddEgI-ymh4r2dBmQkiDFruQireor8Iw%3BFdQ2kgIdeU8H-ynB_b-CWGUkiDGRJjn_b4t9Ww%3BFUoHkwIdGvcG-ykR3ehf2nEkiDE5zBWZk0vq0A%3BFVnckwIdcuwG-ylFmuEcbnIkiDGTR4QU2DdpQg%3BFUSllAId1BIG-yl3s911NXMkiDGluwRzQhaDFw%3BFaGrlAIdlZ8E-yn7HRm_UXUkiDFFpq6vj9MGEA%3BFdPGlQIdBJoE-ynjbjEMDwokiDEbKGcc4ssyqQ%3BFelllQIdMwoE-ynRl2A9p_UjiDFlb76abYVf7g%3BFaAalQIdGVwD-ymB9poWvfQjiDHdA1fzxxdN9w%3BFeYglQIdSjgC-ylj-eilwPIjiDExLRnZ6lCmzQ%3BFdUllAIdL2sD-yl7atktmosjiDG8aTnOgXEqLg%3BFcXckgIdFnMD-ym3-6pqw4gjiDFph3QmaCw-Qw%3BFTl6kQIdr5wF-ylBYKN6aHkkiDFcAmgDnOhg7A%3BFX9zkQIdAPsI-ynFgQWN_GYkiDH5KT45ii3IUw&dirflg=h&mra=dpe&mrsp=20&sz=12&via=1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,18,19,20&t=m&z=12

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Shasta McNasty:
Tentatively IN!

Thought I would give this a bump.  Little over 2 weeks away.

Also, depending on turn out for this (Last year we had 32 bikes) I may need some volunteer Ride Leaders.

Any assistance will be appreciated.

Regard, Steve

I rode the route last weekend (everything except the section outside Otisville, I rode my old route) there was one little part just before our break stop in Vassar that may be closed, but I got through on Saturday.

The weather people are giving us their blessing too.

Hope to see you Saturday.



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