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Author Topic: The 17th Ozarks BS (Bull Shoals) Rally!  (Read 14265 times)

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Offline magna

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The 17th Ozarks BS (Bull Shoals) Rally!
« on: July 18, 2014, 09:50:33 am »
*9452 Fellow MSTA'ers,
Just 48 days until The 17th  Ozarks BS (Bull Shoals) Rally!

Be Sure to check out the BS Rally latest updates at:

Some of you still need to confirm your reservations with a credit card, so if you haven't done so,  please check with them right away, so you'll be sure to have a room this year. 
We sincerely hope you can make it, but if you have a reservation and know you can't be there for some reason, please let them know you need to cancel as soon as possible, so they won't charge your credit card, and someone else can have the room, as we already have 8 on the waiting list.

Also, check out the new Unique BS Rally T-Shirts for 2014, at:
http://www.ozarksbsrally.com/bstshirt2014.htm   They are in Beautiful Purple
this year, with the BS Rally emblem in outstanding colors, and available in both short and long sleeves.
If you would like one, please let us know as soon as possible by phone at:
417-926-3075, or email at:  magna@centurytel.net as the cut-off date is noon, August 20th, so we'll have time for printing, We order very few extras, and we always run out, so get your order in right away.

We hope to see all of you there, we guarantee a Great Time!
Ride safe,

Ed & Linda Young
MSTA Missouri State Co-Directors
Ozarks BS Rally Co-Coordinators
Ed & Linda Young
MSTA Missouri State Co-Directors


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