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Author Topic: Wayne Rainey group to take over from DMG  (Read 45143 times)

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Re: Wayne Rainey group to take over from DMG
« Reply #15 on: November 13, 2014, 03:52:04 pm »

Offline DirtFlier

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Re: Wayne Rainey group to take over from DMG
« Reply #16 on: January 28, 2015, 01:57:40 pm »
In a recent Cycle News interview with Roger Hayden who will ride for Yoshimura Suzuki in the superbike class, the first race of their season is April 10-12 at COTA in Austin, which coincides with  a motoGP race since Rainey wants to create as many possibilities as possible for American riders to show their stuff to the "furrin" high-dollar teams.   :D

So far it looks like none of the factory teams will be at Daytona Speed Week in March, although track management claims to have motorcycle races planned. 
« Last Edit: January 28, 2015, 02:02:33 pm by DirtFlier »

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Re: Wayne Rainey group to take over from DMG
« Reply #17 on: January 28, 2015, 02:05:37 pm »
I used to go to Daytona with plans to see some racing. However, it's been several years since I've been. I'm heading that way this year, but with no plans to see any racing. It's mostly a chance to stretch my legs (and the bike's) going into the spring.
Geoffrey Greene
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Re: Wayne Rainey group to take over from DMG
« Reply #18 on: January 28, 2015, 05:24:10 pm »
I'd guess that over 98% of the people at Daytona Speed Week don't venture beyond Main Street.  :(

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Re: Wayne Rainey group to take over from DMG
« Reply #19 on: January 28, 2015, 05:58:19 pm »
Why don't all y'all come down to Austin for the MotoGP/inaugural MotoAmerica weekend? We'll have a grand ol' time.

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Re: Wayne Rainey group to take over from DMG
« Reply #20 on: January 28, 2015, 07:51:13 pm »
Going to Austin is tempting...will have to see how the schedule shakes out a bit.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the Wayne Rainey Group. The only on-track racing at Daytona will be sponsored by the American SportBike Racing Association. And it appears that will be all of one day on Saturday March 14. Big whoop. Nothing against the folks participating in the series, but I'm not familiar with them at all. I'm sure they're ALL ridiculously fast compared to me. The ASRA is sanctioned by the AMA, but the ASRA web site describes themselves as "A notch above traditional sportsman club racing..." Again, way faster than me, but I wouldn't make the 1500 mile trip to see it.

I DO like the AMA Supercross and Flat Track. If I'm reading the schedule correctly, the Supercross will be held on March 7th in Daytona, and I won't be there that early. I may try to make the Flat Track on the 12th after the MSTA lunch get together. That would be the cap to a fun day.
Geoffrey Greene
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Offline DirtFlier

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Re: Wayne Rainey group to take over from DMG
« Reply #21 on: January 28, 2015, 08:44:52 pm »
For at least the past decade, the supercross at Daytona has drawn the biggest crowd making the "Daytona 200" a real joke.  Most years, you could toss a lit stick of dynamite into the front grandstands at the 200 and not bother anyone!

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Re: Wayne Rainey group to take over from DMG
« Reply #22 on: January 28, 2015, 09:57:15 pm »
I've been to several of the 200s, and I'd go again with the right motivation. And you're right about the attendance at the 200...notice I didn't say crowd. The attendance hardly justifies calling it a crowd.

Where I generally sat was where I could see the 1st turn into the infield/horseshoe. I could see as much action there as I think anywhere. Even at that, I don't think it's the best venue for spectators.
Geoffrey Greene
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Re: Wayne Rainey group to take over from DMG
« Reply #23 on: January 29, 2015, 08:22:00 am »
The decline of racing at Daytona over the years has been stunning to me. I first went in 1972. Agostini, Renzo Pasolini, Kel Carruthers, and all the other world-famous riders were there. Daytona 200 was one of the most important races in the world.

Went to races every day, including MX & short track. Lots of dedicated fans there.

Last year I went, in '96, Daytona was full of drinking & partying Harley riders. If you said something about going to the races, the typical reaction was, "There's RACES?" (No they were not interested in going.)

Norm Kern

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Re: Wayne Rainey group to take over from DMG
« Reply #24 on: January 29, 2015, 08:30:28 am »
I imagine that 99% of the people that go to Sturgis would be shocked to find out that it started out as a "racing event".
not all that wander are lost

Offline DirtFlier

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Re: Wayne Rainey group to take over from DMG
« Reply #25 on: January 29, 2015, 08:59:28 am »
For several years, Daytona was a world championship GP event for 250s and 500s so top riders in those classes came to FL.  I can't remember why they stopped that?

The last time I went was in the mid-80s, when they had short track races for multiple nights at a local fairgrounds, the Alligator Enduro (guaranteed to ruin a bike!), the supercross, and road races which went on for 3-5 days, culminating with the 200 on Sunday.  It was really a big deal although by that time, the drunks on Main Street had already rivaled the number of people there to watch races.

After my motocross support duties were over, I had to score for Mike Baldwin in the 200.  It was the year of the dreaded Honda FWS V4 monsters that ate rear tires.  Sitting next to me in the scoring stand was the mother of Miles Baldwin, a Canadian, and no relation to Mike.   Each rider had to provide 3 lap scorers, situated at different places around the track and factory riders had plenty of warm bodies around but privateers had to enlist family members to score for them. 

On an aside, some of the neer-do-wells in that race are still entering the 200 each year which gives you some idea of the quality level of American road racing!  I'm pulling for Wayne to attract new blood into road racing and gradually get us back to the Roberts-Rainey-Schwantz-Lawson days when European factory teams actually came here to look for new riders. 

« Last Edit: January 29, 2015, 09:07:22 am by DirtFlier »

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Re: Wayne Rainey group to take over from DMG
« Reply #26 on: January 29, 2015, 12:29:02 pm »
Like Norm I went a long time ago... in the early 80's but I went with a group who also partied. We did both we partied AND we went to all the road races. After a few years of that I started going to more of the "other" races. I really enjoyed the Flat Track races and watched the motocross because it was such a big show. 95% of those I met partying knew nothing about the races. It was a time when the Daytona track was still trying to attract the Harley crowd. They even made a back grandstand just for the Harley group. Lucifer's Hammer, a Harley powered road racer was still attempting to race so they had someone to cheer for. After they continued to prove that Harley's could not compete on the road race track you would not see Harley riders at the track any more! In the early years we always went to the infield and watched from there and went into the pits when we could. There you could smell the race bikes and see the small guy still attempting to compete with the growing big dollar teams. The one and two man teams run out of a van really spoke to me. They said it was still possible to "try" and to have fun! I met many a team from outside the USA who had saved and saw Daytona as the ultimate race that one had to attend and "try" at least once in a life time. That slowly was removed to be replaced by teams so dominant that the individual knew they never had a chance. After that racing, for me changed. I still enjoyed it but it was different, very different. It was corporate. There I go getting all romantic about it... hey that's the way I feel/felt about it. Root for the underdog!

The decline of racing at Daytona over the years has been stunning to me. I first went in 1972. Agostini, Renzo Pasolini, Kel Carruthers, and all the other world-famous riders were there. Daytona 200 was one of the most important races in the world.

Went to races every day, including MX & short track. Lots of dedicated fans there.

Last year I went, in '96, Daytona was full of drinking & partying Harley riders. If you said something about going to the races, the typical reaction was, "There's RACES?" (No they were not interested in going.)

Norm Kern
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Offline DirtFlier

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Re: Wayne Rainey group to take over from DMG
« Reply #27 on: January 29, 2015, 04:58:08 pm »
One of the years that I was sent to Daytona, H-D brought Lucifer's Hammer for Jay Springsteen to ride.  I took one look at it and felt sorry for Springsteen because no way would that bike keep up.  It really belonged in their museum and not on the track. 

As I suspected, it dropped out after making about a dozen laps but was never with the lead group. 


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Re: Wayne Rainey group to take over from DMG
« Reply #28 on: January 30, 2015, 12:04:45 pm »
Whether you went to the last race of the DMG era or haven't been in 30 years PLEASE, get out to a race or two if at all possible and help in getting MotoAmerica off the ground and headed in the right direction !! Schedule below for your planning convenience: 
Apr 10-12th: Circuit of the Americas – Austin, Texas (2 classes, MotoGP support races)

Apr 17-19th: Road Atlanta – Braselton, Georgia
May 15-17th: Virginia International Raceway (VIR) – Alton, Virginia
May 29-31st: Road America – Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin
June 12-14th: Barber Motorsports Park – Birmingham, Alabama
June 26-28th: Miller Motorsports Park  – Tooele, Utah
July 17-19th: Mazda raceway Laguna Seca – Monterey, California (WSBK Support Race)
Aug 7-9th: Indianapolis Motor Speedway – Indianapolis, Indiana (2 classes, MotoGP support races)
Sep 11-13th: New Jersey Motorsports Park – Millville, New Jersey

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Re: Wayne Rainey group to take over from DMG
« Reply #29 on: January 30, 2015, 04:15:46 pm »
One of the years that I was sent to Daytona, H-D brought Lucifer's Hammer for Jay Springsteen to ride.  I took one look at it and felt sorry for Springsteen because no way would that bike keep up.  It really belonged in their museum and not on the track. 

As I suspected, it dropped out after making about a dozen laps but was never with the lead group. 

Hey Tosh,

Lucifer's Hammer probably retired due to a nail in the tire.

Today, it's the Harley riders themselves who are getting hammered.

If they had Lucifer's Hammer back when Daytona was run on the beach course, it would have pounded sand!

I'll shut up now...

Norm Kern
« Last Edit: January 30, 2015, 04:21:56 pm by normkern »


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