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Author Topic: Website help needed!  (Read 22065 times)

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Website help needed!
« on: April 19, 2015, 11:30:40 pm »
I am looking for help from the membership with our website. Here's what's needed:

This role is for someone that has experience with the wordpress blog system. Duties will include adding articles to the website as well as publishing them. Article will come from STAReview, State Newsletters and article submitted by members via email. You will not be expected to handle day to day admin duties or system system upgrades.

This role is for any member that wishes to add their own articles to the website. If you can use Microsoft word, then you should have no problem figuring this out. After you create your article, an Editor will review it for errors then publish it.

Contributor via Email
This role is for any member who would like to write articles for the website but do not have the desire to use the blogging system. You would email your article and associated full resolution photos to webmaster@ridemsta.com. An editor would then add it to the website and publish it.

The new website software was selected so MSTA members would have the ability to add content that they felt was important to the club or entertaining to the members. Now that the bugs are worked out of it, it's time to turn control over to the membership. Thus far, the new website has proven to be a very effective way to get the word out about the MSTA. Each time an article is published, website visits raise by about 50 unique users, and about 75% of those users return. Also, search engine hits rise by about 5 per day with each additional article. Please consider filling one of these roles to help secure a strong future for the club.

Email me at webmaster@ridemsta.com if you are interested. There is no limit to the number of people for any one role. The more the better!


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Re: Website help needed!
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2015, 08:18:12 am »
An additional note on participating...

If you would like contributor access to the website, please go to http://ridemsta.com/srblog/wp-login.php?action=register to create an account with that software. Once your account is created, send an email to webmaster@ridemsta.com letting me know the username you used on that account so your account can be upgraded. Once I email you confirmation that the upgrade has been done, don't be afraid to try it out.

Offline Patmo

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Re: Website help needed!
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2015, 08:13:09 pm »

How does one go about contributing an article?

Also, I'm still waiting for a password, so I can log in to the account.  Do you know anything about that?


« Last Edit: April 20, 2015, 09:36:58 pm by Patmo »
not all that wander are lost


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Re: Website help needed!
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2015, 10:02:13 pm »
Go to http://ridemsta.com/srblog/wp-login.php to log in. You can also find the login link if you scroll down the home page in the left column under the META header.


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Re: Website help needed!
« Reply #4 on: April 20, 2015, 10:09:37 pm »

How does one go about contributing an article?

Also, I'm still waiting for a password, so I can log in to the account.  Do you know anything about that?



How does one go about contributing an article?

Also, I'm still waiting for a password, so I can log in to the account.  Do you know anything about that?


I resent your password. Let me know if you don't get it and I'll send it via my personal address. My guess is the RideMSTA.com email address is being blocked by AOL.

After logging in, click on the Posts link. Then click on the add new button. From there, type your article the save draft or publish. you can add photos by clicking on the add media button. 

Offline Patmo

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Re: Website help needed!
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2015, 06:17:37 am »
Thanks Jon, everything seems to be working now.  :)
not all that wander are lost


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