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Forum > Dual Sport Ride Reports
Michigan D/S and Singletrack riding
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I just thought I would share a few pics from our adventures in Northern MI over the past couple of years. Included in many pics is Dave O, and Ken Miller of the Michigan squadron. Dave rides a DR400 and Ken has a KTM 520 and KTM 300 2 stroke.
Typical looking dual sport road:
Dave O getting ready to hit the trail late fall ride.
Me near the Pine River/Cadillac MI.
Ken on his KTM520:
Dave O.
Great little trail I found a few years back near Traverse City.
Riding dirt is a ton of fun, plus you get the added benefit of no crazy drivers, distracted mini van moms, or texting teenagers to worry about! Occasionally, you do end up on your ass in the dirt, but its a good time!
--- Quote from: Ack535 on December 04, 2014, 08:58:52 pm ---I just thought I would share a few pics from our adventures in Northern MI over the past couple of years. --- End quote ---
Excellent. It's definitely a place I need to ride!
--- Quote from: Ack535 on December 04, 2014, 08:58:52 pm ---Riding dirt is a ton of fun, plus you get the added benefit of no crazy drivers, distracted mini van moms, or texting teenagers to worry about! Occasionally, you do end up on your ass in the dirt, but its a good time!
--- End quote ---
So, so true. For me street riding is relatively boring and far more risky.
I've ridden many miles in the northern Michigan woods, mostly on single track. There was lots of ST in the areas we rode. Rode a lot of the Jack Pine trails near Grayling/Kalkaska area and there were lots of trails in the Rose City area.
In a couple of photos I noticed CCC tags on the trees. I belonged to the CCC from it's beginnings. Some of the first CCC rides were in the Baldwin MI area.
I now live in North Carolina and miss the great riding in Michigan.
Pete, your my hero.
--- Quote from: dpippin on December 05, 2014, 08:05:01 am --- I now live in North Carolina and miss the great riding in Michigan.
--- End quote --- I believe that is the first time I've ever heard that sentiment from somebody who moved to your area. I can see how that relates to the off road riding, enjoyed my time riding in northern Michigan at the Tip Of THe Mitt event.
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