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Forum > North Carolina

MC event in Hendersonville, MC



I am out riding my Super Teneré'!

Gonna miss it this year (wedding conflict). I've really enjoyed this event in past years.

Jim does Nancy know you are getting married again?

I am out riding my Super Teneré'!

ssssssh! She might be listening.

Actually she's going too. It's my college roommate and fraternity brother (Auburn and ATO). He's been widowed about 10 years. I was in his first wedding and he was in mine. Much smaller "event" this time but it will probably be kind of a reunion. I'm really looking forward to it.

That sounds great! Enjoy!

--- Quote from: TN2Wheeler on April 13, 2015, 02:13:10 pm ---ssssssh! She might be listening.

Actually she's going too. It's my college roommate and fraternity brother (Auburn and ATO). He's been widowed about 10 years. I was in his first wedding and he was in mine. Much smaller "event" this time but it will probably be kind of a reunion. I'm really looking forward to it.

--- End quote ---


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