Author Topic: 2020 Ozark Bull Shoals Sept 11th-13th  (Read 12717 times)

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2020 Ozark Bull Shoals Sept 11th-13th
« on: April 17, 2020, 10:42:23 pm »

This year with everything going on we do not know exactly what we are doing yet but here is what I do know.
First off Jim Williams has stepped down - Thank you Jim for doing it the past 2 years.
Second Gary Hodge has stepped up and will be taking over this year - Thank you Gary.

However with Covid-19 messing up everyone's life and travel plans it has also forced the EC to move STAR to September 6th-10th just about 250 miles east of Bull Shoals but we are hoping that folks will just leave there the morning of Thursday Sept. 10th and find a nice route of which there are plenty and head west to Theodosia, MO and join us for the 23rd annual BS Rally.  This will give some of us folks a full week of riding the wonderful roads of South Missouri and Northern Arkansas.

I haven't discussed T-shirts with Gary yet and not sure if there would be much interest since there is also going to be the STAR T-shirts but will let folks know as we will have to pre-order as usual.

Have not talked with the Marina but I know a lot of folks do roll their deposits over each year but if you are thinking about it check sooner rather than later and get put your name on the waiting list at 417-273-4444 if nothing else.
Every year someone complains that they can't get a bed and every year we have a lodge at the south end of the hotel that ends up with 3 or 4 empty beds that one of the members has got stuck footing the entire bill for so please don't tell me that there are no rooms especially if you are a guy just looking for a bed. 

If anyone has a spare bed that they are willing to sublet please post up here so that we can get the word out.

Other places in the area and I need to get Gary to update and verify these and if there are any others:
APPLE CREEK RESORT - 1-417-273-4932 – a little over 1 mile away (paved, closest)
The BILTMORE RESORT - 1-417-273-4499 – a little over 5 miles away (paved)

Hope to see you all there, we Guarantee a Great Time!
Ride Safe,

Gary Hodge
Ozarks BS (Bull Shoals) Rally Coordinator
Cell: 417-860-8669  - Please call later in the day or evening as he works nights.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2020, 10:47:07 pm by fz1grl »
Denise Dickenson - 01 FZ1(blue)
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Re: 2020 Ozark Bull Shoals Sept 11th-13th
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2020, 11:11:30 pm »

Update STAR has been canceled but we are planning on still having the BS Rally unless Missouri shuts down the hotels.  We are leaving it up to the individuals to decide at that point if they feel safe to come to the rally or not as we are all adults and can decide what is best for us.  We will work with the hotel to come up with a safe option for the Saturday night banquet as I’m sure we will not be able to have it where we currently do but we can weather permitting always take it outside possible around the pool who knows. 
Several of us had already extended our stay to include Thursday to transition from STAR to BS and I am planning on keeping my reservation and I have heard a few others say the same so that we can get some extra riding in.  The rally will still only be Friday thru Sunday but the party can always start early.
BTW since Gary took over and every thing is going on he didn’t change the design or style of the t-shirts this year just the color and he chose Cardinal Red.  And I hope to have registration open after the 4th of July and we will need t-shirt orders by about the 12th of August to allow time for printing.

Denise Dickenson - 01 FZ1(blue)
234567 and still going...
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Re: 2020 Ozark Bull Shoals Sept 11th-13th
« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2020, 03:58:52 pm »

Registration is open at
T-shirts must be ordered by noon on August 12th to allow time for printing. 
There are 3 options for payment on the registration.  Via paypal, pay at the rally, or send a check to Gary Hodge after you fill out the form at the below address:
Gary Hodge
190 Squaw Run Dr.
Bruner, MO 65620

The nice thing about doing it online is that it saves the hassle of doing it at the rally.  You only have to check in, sign the waver and get your wrist band.  So less social contact but we will have hand sanitizer and alcohol wipes to keep pens clean. 
Denise Dickenson - 01 FZ1(blue)
234567 and still going...
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Re: 2020 Ozark Bull Shoals Sept 11th-13th
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2020, 07:58:34 pm »

Just 2 weeks before Gary has to turn in the t-shirt order at noon on August 12th. 
So if you are wanting to order a t-shirt please go online and register at

The Friday night cookout will be on and we will have the tables spread out hopefully all the way along the rock wall and hand sanitizer on all the tables so please use it freely :) 
Gary is working with the hotel and we will probably just pass thru the buffet line and have tables set up outside in different areas to allow for social distance. 
This will be whatever the hotel feels is best so that they can feed us safely.

If everyone brings their masks and works together I think we can have a great,safe and much needed weekend of fun and relaxation. 
Looking forward to seeing everyone in just over 6 weeks.

Denise Dickenson - 01 FZ1(blue)
234567 and still going...
Oklahoma MSTA

Offline fz1grl

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Re: 2020 Ozark Bull Shoals Sept 11th-13th
« Reply #4 on: August 10, 2020, 09:53:12 pm »
Just one more day to order a t-shirt at
Denise Dickenson - 01 FZ1(blue)
234567 and still going...
Oklahoma MSTA