Here's the gpx file with the 2020 RCR routes. I am calling this this the Classic route. Some might consider some portions not too exciting, but the roads are very nice in general with some great sections and lots of very interesting scenic and historic sites.
Many thanks to Norm Kern for his expert guidance and his fine tuning and finalization of the routes. Here is his explanation and figure for the different configurations of the routes for various GPS vintages:
The RCR route has 2 PARTS - PT1 (morning), and PT2 (afternoon)
Each PART has 2 VERSIONS - a standard and a TP (Trip Planner) version
The tracks are version independent, so there is only one track for each PART.
Explanation of standardized route names, example: 20 RCR PT1 132 TP
20 = Year. Needed to tell years apart and help make route names unique in the Basecamp database
RCR = Descriptive name. Used RCR for River City Ride and kept it simple bc there is only one route to choose from
PT1 = Part 1 so people know there are multiple parts and which part to run first.
132 = Length of route in miles
TP = Optional suffix to indicate that the route is intended for GPS units that use the Trip Planner App to load routes. Standard routes either have no suffix or could have "STD" as the suffix.
All these are included in the one attached gpx file.