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Author Topic: Request for Motorcycle Riders for The Woodlands Ironman Competition- May 16th  (Read 17933 times)

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If you are in the Houston area and would like to participate in an exciting ride come join us on Saturday, May 16th in support of the "Ironman Texas" in The Woodlands (north Houston). What it is: An "Ironman" is an ultra triathlon consisting of a 2.4 mile swim followed by a 112 mile bicycle ride followed by a full 26.2 mile marathon. This event is a national championship competition and is a step to the world championship in Hawaii in October. People come from all over the world to compete here. The bicycle part of the race will take about 4.5 to 5 hours so you should be done by noon. You can see a map of the bicycle race route here.
What they need: They need 30 motorcycles for the 112 mile bicycle part of the race to ride race officials and photographers. What you need: A reliable bike, 650cc or larger, with a backrest or topcase, with some riding experience two-up. What is it like? The riding environment is exciting but well controlled. All the roads and intersections are blocked off by police and volunteers. The bicycles generally ride in the right lane and you will ride in the left lane. Race officials like to sneak up behind riding groups and watch for drafting or other rule infractions (loud pipes are discouraged for this reason). Photographers like to stop and take some pics and run ahead and stop again. ESPN will be there to broadcast it live but they will bring their own bikes.

While this is not particularly challenging it is probably not for beginning riders or someone with little time and a bike that is new to them. You need to be comfortable on your bike in a busy environment. The race official will be talking to you while you are looking for bicycles in your mirrors.

We will gather at the starting line at 6:30 am and get organized for about 45 minutes before the bicycle race starts. Breakfast bagels and fruit will be available as well as pizza when we finish.

It has the potential to be hot so layer your gear appropriately. There are several opportunities for breaks at the various water stations along the route.
How to volunteer: If you would like to participate, or just get some more information, please send an email to me, Jerry Matson, at jerrym100@gmail.com. Or you can register directly at their website here: Ironman Motorcycle Volunteer.

Offline HawkGTRider

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I've been able to participate in several triathlons over the past few years carrying an official or photographer, and I have plans to do several events this year. I'm heading down to South Carolina to help with the USA Triathlon Collegiate Nationals later this week. Yeah, I rather enjoy it. For some events I've gotten a small stipend and even an overnight stay out of it...it's almost like getting paid to ride, and that's pretty cool IMHO.

If you're in the area of this event and have the time available, do it. I generally use my ST1100 as it has pretty decent passenger accommodations, but I've also used my GL1200 and BMW F650GS (the F650GS was a little tight, but it worked ok).
« Last Edit: April 21, 2015, 09:07:53 am by HawkGTRider »
Geoffrey Greene
MSTA Ride For Kids Coordinator (retired), MSTA Secretary (retired), TN-STAR (retired), Tri-STAR Coordinator (retired)
Difficult roads may lead to beautiful destinations.


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