MSTA Event and Routes Waiver

I understand the Motorcycle Sport Touring Association, Inc. (MSTA) cannot assume responsibility for any aspect of my safety and that if I participate in any Association event, I do so voluntarily on my own assessment of my ability, the routes, and all facilities, and conditions, assuming all risk. In consideration of and partial payment for my acceptance as a MSTA member, I, for myself, and my heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, release and hold harmless MSTA, its officers and agents, acting in such capacity, for any injury or loss to my person or property which may result therefrom. I certify and covenant that while participating in MSTA events I will have motor vehicle insurance on my vehicle(s) that complies with my state's financial responsibility laws for maintaining liability, uninsured and underinsured motorist insurance coverage.
In addition to the above terms, I agree not to share event routes with non-attendees

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