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Author Topic: 2015 Keith Huckabey Memorial Ride July 18-19th.  (Read 19152 times)

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Offline Tom S

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2015 Keith Huckabey Memorial Ride July 18-19th.
« on: July 10, 2015, 05:41:05 pm »
Anyone living near Memphis or Clarksville, TN and would like to experience some new roads is welcomed to join fellow MSTA members along the way for our annual Keith Huckabey Memorial Ride.  This year we go to where Keith is buried in Clarksville, TN overlooking the Cumberland River.  Over our 13 years of doing this ride we have fine-tuned the route to eliminate straight roads and add twisty ones.  The ride, in general, heads north/east passing near or through............
Northward (on the east side) of the TN River
......then north/east to Clarksville along back roads.

Saturday evening we will be showing the famous Huck Memorial Tape at Keith's Mom's house, then on to dinner.  Sunday morning we swing by Keith's grave site for a short service, then the reverse ride back.

Anyone that would like to meet up with us along the way (or just join us for the evening) is welcomed.  Post up here and I will provide the Clarksville hotel information. 

Sr. Top Gun. (If it weren't for Billy)

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Re: 2015 Keith Huckabey Memorial Ride July 18-19th.
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2015, 09:02:12 pm »

You're a good guy for helping to see that this continues. Keith was a heck of a good guy.

I've got an MSF class that weekend, but I may go down to the Gap afterwards for a few minutes of reflection.
Geoffrey Greene
MSTA Ride For Kids Coordinator (retired), MSTA Secretary (retired), TN-STAR (retired), Tri-STAR Coordinator (retired)
Difficult roads may lead to beautiful destinations.

Offline Tom S

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Re: 2015 Keith Huckabey Memorial Ride July 18-19th.
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2015, 10:41:16 pm »
Thanks, Geoffrey.  Keith considered you one of his treasured friends.
Sr. Top Gun. (If it weren't for Billy)

Offline Patmo

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Re: 2015 Keith Huckabey Memorial Ride July 18-19th.
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2015, 08:44:51 am »

I won't be back in that area until a few days later, so I can't meet up with you guys over the weekend.  But if you would be so kind as to inform me as to the location of his grave, I will make a run up there sometime that week.  I didn't know Keith personally, but I've heard about him for years now and would like to go pay my respects.

Pat M.
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Offline Paco Bulto

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Re: 2015 Keith Huckabey Memorial Ride July 18-19th.
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2015, 01:24:13 pm »
Tom, I MAY be able to get away for the Saturday evening activities and overnight. What is the hotel info?


Fred Z.

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Re: 2015 Keith Huckabey Memorial Ride July 18-19th.
« Reply #5 on: July 13, 2015, 10:17:12 am »
Pat, it's the Riverview Cemetery on Riverside Drive just south of the 79/76/13/41-A intersection.  Keith's grave site is located on the north/east part of the 3rd to last drive of the cemetery from the south.


Great, Fred!  If you want to split a room with someone, let me know.

1112 Highway 76, Clarksville, TN 37043-2418 US
Phone: 1-931-358-2020
« Last Edit: July 13, 2015, 10:47:15 am by Tom S »
Sr. Top Gun. (If it weren't for Billy)

Offline Patmo

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Re: 2015 Keith Huckabey Memorial Ride July 18-19th.
« Reply #6 on: July 13, 2015, 01:07:28 pm »
Thanks for the info!
not all that wander are lost

Offline Paco Bulto

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Re: 2015 Keith Huckabey Memorial Ride July 18-19th.
« Reply #7 on: July 14, 2015, 08:54:30 am »
Pat, it's the Riverview Cemetery on Riverside Drive just south of the 79/76/13/41-A intersection.  Keith's grave site is located on the north/east part of the 3rd to last drive of the cemetery from the south.


Great, Fred!  If you want to split a room with someone, let me know.

1112 Highway 76, Clarksville, TN 37043-2418 US
Phone: 1-931-358-2020

Tom, looks like I am not going to make it this time, sorry.

Offline Tom S

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Re: 2015 Keith Huckabey Memorial Ride July 18-19th.
« Reply #8 on: July 24, 2015, 04:11:11 pm »
It was a great turn-out for the Clarksville run. It was hot, but not as hot as we had feared. I guess the slightly higher altitude and the fact that we were running down low and beside the TN river valley much of the way made for almost bare-able conditions. We found a lot of good new stuff this year by way of MapQuest and the TN Gazetteer, and they went smoothly because of my scouting trip a week before the ride, but, for some reason some of the prior years, 'must do again' roads led us to gravel and a couple of turn-around's. I'm not sure if they re-routed some roads or my notes were flawed, but I promise, in 2017 I'll do a full pre-ride before hand to eliminate all snafoos.  There is just no substitute for seeing the roads personally.

We got to the hotel around 4:30 Saturday, which allowed plenty of time to make a beer run and hang out around the pool before heading to Keith's Mom's house for the viewing to the Huck Memorial Tape. Keith's Mom, Glenda and his step-father, Walter were doing well, but like all of us, not getting any younger. Logan, Keith's youngest son, and his daughter, Laura drove up by truck, and without Logan's electronic knowledge we couldn't have gotten the tape shown. Unfortunately, we didn't get away from Keith's Mom's home until 8:30, and after dinner at Ruby Tuesday's we all got sleepy, plus it was dark by then, I wasn't sure I could find Rusty's home, so I called Rusty to let him know we weren't coming by to hang out and see his bike collection. He suggested coming by in the morning, but our schedule didn't allow for it after visiting Keith's resting place and trying to get an early start back to try and beat the heat on the way back to Memphis.

Rusty told me to tell everyone that his offer stands anytime, plus, he said he would be happy to show us all of the good roads around the Clarksville area should we want to make a special trip up there before 2017. I think everyone that went this past weekend will tell you that West TN roads are real gems, and as good as AR and East TN's roads. So, should we want to do a, "Rusty's only", trip before 2017, the combination of new roads seldom ridden and Rusty's awesome bike collection (plus, he said he has an awesome view from his back deck), may be worth a special trip up there).

As in all past trips to Clarksville, Sunday morning on the way back we stopped by early to visit Keith, catch him up on the latest of motorcycle developments, and tell him how much he is missed. Fortunately, Keith is the only MSSR member to make the ultimate sacrifice, however, we got to looking around and 3 three of us standing there, Rick, Matt, and me all have nerve damage and came pretty close to joining him!

Two cordings happened on the way home, Chris Noland and Bill Miles. But thanks to Troy's 'corded bike pickup service' for Bill and Chris's girl friend with Chris's trailer, everyone got home safe and sound.

Next year the ride is a 4-day (2 up, 2 back) trip to East TN where Keith died near Deals Gap.  Mark your calendars for the weekend closest to July 20th. to enjoy the benefit of us fine-tuning 14 years of great roads mid-state TN on next years 2016 Huck Memorial Ride.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2015, 04:18:50 pm by Tom S »
Sr. Top Gun. (If it weren't for Billy)


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