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Forum > Regional Rallies
New Just for Fun Event – Middlesboro Kentucky – October 9th -11th.
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I want everyone to understand that I really had very little to do with was really RICK that came up with the idea, found the hotel, did all the things needed to arrange for the rooms, get the date worked out, and did the publicity. Really the only thing I did was tell him it was a great idea, and agree to check out some of the roads in the area.....and y'all know that I don't have any problem exploring new roads when given the chance, :)
So, this was really Rick's baby and he deserves all the credit for making it happen. Thank you, RICK!
--- Quote from: Patmo on October 12, 2015, 07:22:15 am ---I want everyone to understand that I really had very little to do with was really RICK that came up with the idea, found the hotel, did all the things needed to arrange for the rooms, get the date worked out, and did the publicity. Really the only thing I did was tell him it was a great idea, and agree to check out some of the roads in the area.....and y'all know that I don't have any problem exploring new roads when given the chance, :)
So, this was really Rick's baby and he deserves all the credit for making it happen. Thank you, RICK!
--- End quote --- Three cheers for Rick...Hip Hip Hooray, Hip Hip Hooray, Hip Hip Hooray!
I met up with Bill & Betty Lise on Friday morning south of Columbus. Doug had planned to join us initially, but realized the night before he needed a new tire so told us to go without him and he'd see get to Middlesboro that night. Bill led us a nice route down OH 138, OH 41, US 52, cross the river at Maysville, then KY 11 and KY 66 to US 25E. We only had a short time of light rain late on the way down. We walked across the road to dinner at the Chinese buffet, which was tasty and had a good variety. Then there was some time to catch up with friends from all over for a while before bed.
Jim Park was kind enough to take a route idea from Pat Mogavero and build it in BaseCamp for me, so I led Doug, Geoffrey, Bill and Betty Lise on some fun roads. I'd only passed through the area once before and hadn't touched what it had to offer before this. We had fog and light rain pretty much all day, but not enough to make my gloves damp, just enough to have to wipe my faceshield now and then. It cut down on the scenery, and the damp roads with occasional wet leaves and pine needles certainly encouraged a reduced pace, but I certainly still had a ton of fun, and everyone else seemed to share my enjoyment. Geoffrey split off from us, but we other four stopped for lunch at a Mexican place in Harlan that turned out to be excellent. Then a short 60-mile jaunt the rest of the way back to the hotel, and more socializing in the lobby. Pizza and a beer for dinner with friends made for a great evening.
Doug and I took the directish but non-slab route back to central Ohio Sunday, with fog lasting for a couple hours or so after out 9:00 departure. But then the sky turned a funny color (let's call it "blue") and a great fiery orb appeared, and things warmed up to be very comfortable. We ate lunch at a 50s-style diner in Ripley called Rockin' Robin, recommended by Rick and Dave from West Chester and Pat, and then proceeded home.
I had a great time! Thanks to Rick Giddish for being the mastermind, Pat Mogavero for great road suggestions, Jim Park for being my BaseCamp pro and everyone else for being fun friends. I definitely look forward to next year!
BD, am I seeing from your signature line that the you ended up replacing the Tenere?
Yes, BD... tell us did you get the 2015 ES?
--- Quote from: brider on October 12, 2015, 10:52:35 am ---BD, am I seeing from your signature line that the you ended up replacing the Tenere?
--- End quote ---
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