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Forum > Regional Rallies

New Just for Fun Event – Middlesboro Kentucky – October 9th -11th.

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I thought Tennesseans only listened to the "Grand Ole Opry"!  And most like both kinds of music - country and western. 

Glad you had a good day.  I was planning on attending but ended up going to Barber for the Vintage Festival. 


[We are packed and ready to head south to Florida...JEP]

Are you and "the boss" finally heading home after months and months of events? 

Tosh :-)

Many thanks to Rick and Pat for putting on the event. BL and I had a great time. We can't wait to go again! Nice hotel, great roads how could you go wrong?


You have been holding out on us!   :)

Dave Kutney, Rick Barger, and I stayed around this morning and went for a ride before heading back home.  We rode down 25 and then went east on 63 to Sneedville, and then 66 to Rogersville, followed by 70 up to Jonesville.  I'd been on 70 several times before, but not the others. HOLY COW!!!  Those roads were fantastic.  I had thought that nothing down there would top 70, but I'm not so sure anymore.  Those will definitely be on my "to do" list for next year! 

I'd like to thank EVERYONE for coming and making this one of the highlights of the year.  The Pizza, Beer, Football viewing party we had Saturday evening should be a part of every rally we have there in the future.....great time with great company!  We may of had cloudy and gloomy sky's during the day, but the smiles on the faces of so many people that evening more than made up for anything we had during the day.  Those that missed it this year should put it on there schedule for next year for sure.  For all of you that were there this year.....y'all come back now, hear?   


doug mcpeek:
Pat and Rick, thanks for doing the work, so we could come play!  I look forward to doing it again!


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