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Forum > Indiana

Hoosier Squadron MSTA

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Have you wondered why there are few posts in the indy section of this site?? I have for over a year lol.

The hoosier group seems to communicate through a yahoo group. As of 7-23-15, Im a new member to that group. A few of the members hang out with the ducati club guys on thursdays at brockway pub in carmel. Super great down to earth folks. I cant make it every week but the few times I have, Ive always found friends. Look for the ducati group  ;)

Shoot me a note and Ill try to bring you up to speed if I can.

Yea a lot of local groups have there own way of communicating. Which is good for them. However I have always thought if we all used the MSTA it could encourage others and show how really active the MSTA really is.
I don't have an answer... I'm just a member.

I must be out riding my Super Teneré'!


With all the changes and issues with the website (not complaining just stating fact) if many of us has moved our outside groups (NE Ohio also uses a Yahoo group) we may have lost more members. I have trouble keeping people active on something they're familiar with, I'm not going to move my group to MSTA web site and lose even more members. Very few have ever registered for a version of the forum and there are maybe 2-3 members who I've seen post much at all. And I'm not an FB user so we're not doing anything there. Nobody else is volunteering to take over or do things differently so that's how I'm rolling right now.

Also any new member that joins should reach out to their state director (once they get the Blue Book) and contact them for "what does the local group do" even those that have active MSTA based stuff will have more info. I've made an effort as an assistant state director to review the new member lists I get regularly and reach out to new members to invite them to join our Yahoo group, or contact me if they want more info on the local scene.

If Pat from KY didn't post the Kentucky events on the forum I would never make it to any of them as I am from Indiana and not on the any Kentucky mail list. Since he post them on the forum and I live just across the river in southern Indiana I make it to their stuff every once in awhile. So its got it benefits of being posted on the MSTA forum also. You never know when members from outside your geographical area might be interested in attending something if they knew about it. They could be passing through on a trip or just want to go for a ride.

In my opinion, all MSTA communication should take place through the forum. If people want to know what's going on they would have to log on and find out unless its printed in a newsletter or Starreview and mailed. Again, that's my opinion and I obviously realize that everyone does not agree.

How do potential members that find the forum know about local lunch rides, day rides, etc to come meet the group if its not posted here at our official forum?

Just my opinion......

I think that it is best for everyone if we use all communication possibilities and instruments that we can.  I post up the lunch meets for Kentucky, on this forum, the Facebook page for the national and state MSTA, and also have begun using a meetup page.  This is part of a discussion that occurred at the state directors and volunteers meeting at STAR.  I made the point there, and I'll make it here, that if we hope to reach younger people as potential members, we must use social media.  It is the way that more and more people are communicating with each other, everyday.  If FB, or another medium, is not something you do, then it's still possible to find someone in the group that does.  I think it a good idea to check with people locally to you and see if you can find someone that will help communicate club info using those possibilities.  If we hope to attract new members, we have to go where the potential new members are.....more and more today that is on social media.

If we think of our members and potential member as our customers, then we should do all that we can to communicate with them.  Most of the problems that people have with any business are either because of poor communication, or no communication.  Our STAReview does an outstanding job of communicating about regional and national events, after the fact.  It does an outstanding job of letting members know about future events of that type.  But, being a national monthly newsmagazine it can't really do much in terms of publicizing or organizing local events. Word of mouth, local rider websites, Facebook, Yahoo groups, Meetup pages, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. are all tools that can be used to communicate and organize locally.  It's up to us to take advantage of those opportunities.


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