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Forum > Indiana
Hoosier Squadron MSTA
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Yea... What Pat said!
I must be out riding my Super Teneré'!
I guess maybe what I said was not exactly what I meant. I think that the communication needs to at least be posted here, I don't care if its on 15 other sites, but it needs to be published here also. Currently there is a lot of communication via other sites that never makes it to the forum. We are foolish if we don't provide potential new members that find the MSTA website and forum with the details of how to come ride and socialize with us beyond the sanctioned events.
Landon... yes, that is what I was trying to say I the first place. It doesn't matter where else you post but always post here too.
I must be out riding my Super Teneré'!
I agree....this site should be the "go too" site for all club information. We need to continue to steer folks here, even as we continue to use all means available to us to inform and attract current and potential members.
Pat its hard to keep steering folks here who are intent on using only social media. Or just don't want to use anything new. And I'm more interested in keeping the current members active at this time.
I post my local rides on our Yahoo group. Some of the Columbus guys on are on that list and occassionally show up (unexpectedly) for a ride we do. I personally am not that keen on posting up plans for a ride to a broad audience made up of many unknown people (FB or the general parts of this forum) who may or may not be MSTA members. So if I were to post it here, it would be in a member's only area. But posting it in multiple places while plans are fluid and may only be a few days out is difficult (work and all that).
Everybody in every area is going to do what works best for them and their members. For some like Pat that will be reaching out to everybody through many different sources. For others it will be more limited.
My basic point is if you're going to make more demands or put requirements on the volunteers to "post it everywhere, get on social media, etc" then you'll lose volunteers. We all don't want to do those things or have the extra time.
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