Ride Reports > MSTA Sanctioned Event Reports

If You Bailed, You Failed - Fall Colors 2015

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--- Quote from: touringman on October 03, 2015, 04:07:33 pm ---Thanks Norm, I knew I was right all along!!! ;D

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You're probably a bit more confident in your judgment this weekend than last. LOL

Norm Kern

Yeah, what we got last weekend was nothing like Hurricane Joaquin coming ashore!  I saw some photos of Charleston SC where the water appeared to be 2-feet deep in downtown!

Nice pick Syd! 

I guess it was all those prayers that I was thinking went for nothing, until I see that there may well have been a plan after all! Enlightenment sometimes comes to those who wait. :D


--- Quote from: touringman on October 04, 2015, 04:18:10 pm ---I guess it was all those prayers that I was thinking went for nothing, until I see that there may well have been a plan after all! Enlightenment sometimes comes to those who wait. :D

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So what you're saying is, that even with prayers, our event had rain. I'd add that if the event had been a week later, we "wouldn't have had a prayer," so to speak.

Norm Kern

I (obviously) couldn't have put it any better myself Norm!


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