Main Forums > The Garage

My man cave/mc heaven

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Well first off I'm single, never married and no kids. So my whole house is my man cave ;)

As for the garage mahal, well I'm not the Mr. Fixit many in this club are, my tools literally fill a simple tool box you can carry. No bike lifts, no big tool boxes on wheels, and not a lot of other fancy stuff.

I did buy some nice foam flooring at Sears, and ended up using some in my kitchen over the holidays when I was spending a lot time at the sink and stove (yes I can cook a little).

With a 2 car garage, one car and 3 bikes there's ample room to work, if needed the car goes outside. Heck I can even fit a folding Kendon trailer in front of my car when I borrow one from my friend.

Garage envy. Two car ( whatever the minimum standards are ) garage, one car a scooter and my V Strom plus 2 large refuse containers. Most Striking Dave is your 'A' parking sign from The Ohio State University. Must have fallen from a post. I never noticed it.


--- Quote from: osufz6 on April 06, 2016, 05:47:45 pm ---Garage envy. Two car ( whatever the minimum standards are ) garage, one car a scooter and my V Strom plus 2 large refuse containers. Most Striking Dave is your 'A' parking sign from The Ohio State University. Must have fallen from a post. I never noticed it.

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Hmmm I wonder how that happened to be there!

Outlaws Justice:
How about a bathroom for that man Cave? I made sure when I built my Garage to include a Bathroom and since its mine I thought that Aluminum Diamond plate on the walls would also be cool!


--- Quote from: fartymarty on March 19, 2016, 03:27:04 pm --- I'll eventually post some photos here but not until after the TV is installed. Don't expect to see a sofa in mine. I'd love to put a skinny recliner in it or even just a tilting office chair, but I'll be lucky if I can get a shop stool in.  :(

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I wanted to have a TV installed, a motorcycle lift in place, and some cleaning up before I shared a photo, but I'm not getting any younger so maybe I should put up a photo now. Mine is obviously not as spacious as brick's is.  :(
Here is a test photo I took with my new cell phone to check out the pano feature. It should be interactive where you can drag and zoom but it may be slow to load and clear depending on your computer/internet speed. You will have to click on the photo below and then again when it goes to the google site. It'll be blurry at first but it should clear up eventually..get a cup o jo and come back. I couldn't figure out any way to make it easier as this Google pano stuff is still all new to me.


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