Main Forums > The Garage

My man cave/mc heaven

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Looks great Marty! Having lots of motorcycles in there makes it look fantastic!

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Those all look very nice.  It is always good to have a place for our toys.  Here are some photos of our garage, 28' x 50'.  We could not add to the side, so we added onto the length about 8 years ago and wish I had done it sooner.  Had to put in 6' of fill in back as it sloped off.  There is room for 3 cars and 4 cycles with work space.  Also check out the ATGATT cabinet to keep everything handle for the quick ride.   Oh, as you can see we are also Car Nutz with some of my wife's and my trophies and posters.

oops, here are the photos. 

Carl Wieman
Dan Clark Safety Program Coordinator

I think I got all of them this time.

[attachment deleted by admin]


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Very nice Carl. I wish I had added on to mine. My cars have to stay out in the driveway unless one needs to be worked on. Then I can move everything around to get the front half in out of the weather.

--- Quote from: Ride4MS ---
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What is the curtain rod looking thing to the upper right of the garage door track with the orange strap around it?...and more importantly why is it there?
Only answer if it is there for a useful reason that you care to share. I don't really want to be held accountable for everything sitting around in my garage  :-[ :-[.
 Sometimes garages just have "stuff" in them because there was a spot open, and "someone" (no names or familial relationship needed) didn't want it in the house
or the trash.
edit: A couple of photos were deleted. I checked with Carl and he didn't request it. I'm assuming that it was some sort of glitch in the software upgrade, so with Carl's assistance I've reposted one of them above and another one below.


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