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Forum > The Garage

My man cave/mc heaven

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I restored a 1986 Gold Wing Interstate about 10 years ago, and after moving everything each weekend and leaving cars out then having to put it all back for the week, is when I decided to add on. 

That rod is hanging there from the last garage sale, as it was used to hang clothes on  and never got taken down.

And I thought I would get a question on the stove/oven in the corner.  No, it is not for when I need to live in the garage, but for powder coating small items.  Works great.  When the addition was built, we added cable TV, as it was moved when building the addition.  The next year, I got the TV for Father's Day.  I can listen or watch TV, and if I don't like the political nonsense last Fall, just turn it to music only on the cable channel.

Here is a photo of the backyard with the city park and offices, which is called the Castle.  It was an Orphanage in the 1930-40's and then State School then in the the 1970's they City bought it.  Today it looks different, after about 16" of snow last night.


16" of snow, ok that rules out Ohio... Ok, see now you're in MN, guess winter returned last night, 75 here in Akron.

I was trying to pick out the ATGATT cabinet, then noticed it was the label on the pick. Didn't notice the stove but did see the chest freezer.

It was near 85 in Jennings, FL on Friday, and still pretty pleasant first thing Saturday morning. But after a cold front passed through early in the day Saturday, the temperature dropped throughout the rest of the day as I traveled northbound. By the time I got home around 10:00 p.m. Saturday night, the temps were in the mid 30s. When I got up this morning to go to "work" around 7:00, it was 28 degrees on my front porch. Those temps aren't much to compare to Minnesota, but they're a big adjustment from what parts of the US has seen the last few days.

The 1983 Interceptor is done and for sale.  See the For Sale section in the forum.  Tires have less that 500 miles, without using the Michelin Magic Marker shown by rideandfly in the above posting.  Carl


Larry Fine:
My man-cave is my home theater. 10' diag. image, 7.2-channel, 2200 watts:


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