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Author Topic: TOTAL CONTROL at the STAR in VT?  (Read 35434 times)

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Offline Outlaws Justice

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« Reply #15 on: April 09, 2016, 10:00:41 am »
  STAYING SAFE was asked over a year ago and they have planned their schedule around coming to STAR just like they did at STAR 99 in Marietta, OH.
The point is; it’s difficult to add a valuable activity like Lee Parks to STAR 16 at this late date.
It seems only fair to me that we honor our “official” commitment to STAYING SAFE this time.

I agree, Staying Safe made a commitment to STAR and STAR made a commitment to STAYING SAFE.

I know that I would be happy to help and work with STAR at any time as the message of motorcycle skills is always important and you can never know too much! For those that know me, You all know I am willing to travel to get that message out and I am there for you. I hope to meet and work with the members here at events in the future.
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« Reply #16 on: April 09, 2016, 10:47:49 am »
  STAYING SAFE was asked over a year ago and they have planned their schedule around coming to STAR just like they did at STAR 99 in Marietta, OH.
The point is; it’s difficult to add a valuable activity like Lee Parks to STAR 16 at this late date.
It seems only fair to me that we honor our “official” commitment to STAYING SAFE this time.

I agree, Staying Safe made a commitment to STAR and STAR made a commitment to STAYING SAFE.

I know that I would be happy to help and work with STAR at any time as the message of motorcycle skills is always important and you can never know too much! For those that know me, You all know I am willing to travel to get that message out and I am there for you. I hope to meet and work with the members here at events in the future.

So Dennis are you going to attend STAR this year to experience a MSTA STAR? And of course to meet us and ride with us?
It could give you a better feel for who we are now that you are one of us!
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« Reply #17 on: April 09, 2016, 01:08:17 pm »

I am very happy to see some clarification after the initial commotion. I did phone Dennis after my enthusiastic post, and I completely agreed with his take on things. It may be better to wait for next year and be well-prepared, for one, and secondly, as far as I know Stayin' Safe is also a very good program. All in all I think that the STAR is going to be awesome either way.

What I really can say is that after all these years riding, track schools, track days and a few races, Lee's theory AND practice principles allowed me to pull together my riding into one consistent, scaleable and less strenuous style. The day after the Instructor workshop, I went riding with a Gateway Rider friend in the Ozarks. We rode for 6 hours straight with only a scrumptious lunch break (+fuel and pit stop). Despite his knowing these roads like the back of his hand, having ridden them for the last 25+ years, he was tired before I was. Amazing, considering I was on my heaviest ride (the VFR) and that I am not particularly big and strong.

That is why I was eager to share with the gang-- even if you are at supremo riding level, this method will extend your riding hours, days and years, would it be only for the reduced effort. Being a mechanical engineer by trade, I can also vouch for the underlying theory-- it all adds up.

See you on the road, and a great day to all!
Total Control Instructor # 256

"A ship is always safe at port. But that is not what ships are built for."


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« Reply #18 on: April 09, 2016, 01:51:36 pm »
Looks like we may have training programs at STAR two years in a row!!!!! :)
We took a Lee Parks ARC several years back and it's a very good program.
Looking forward to Eric and his program this year. -JEP-

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