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Forum > MSTA Sanctioned Event Reports
STAR 2016 Vermont
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STAR 2016 in Vermont has been beautiful so far! The weather is fantastic!
With Honda demo truck here Chris Jernigan took yesterday and rode 5 of the bikes Honda brought! Great fun! I do like the Africa Twin and while it's not a replacement for my Super Tenere it is a much better off road bike than the Tenere'. That being said the Tenere is a much better touring bike than the Africa Twin... in my opinion. YMMV!
Patricia flew in yesterday and so tomorrow when it's a 40% chance of rain we will drive to Ben and Gerry's. ;-)
Today I'm thinking of riding to Fort Ticonderoga.
Ok both Patricia and I won door prizes.
I wanted to Thank these and all the vendors for donations to our club/event. Here is a photo of Stratton mountain resorts Black bear lodge.
Let's Ride! Brick
Paco Bulto:
--- Quote from: Brick on June 27, 2016, 08:15:14 am ---
With Honda demo truck here Chris Jernigan took yesterday and rode 5 of the bikes Honda brought! Great fun! I do like the Africa Twin and while it's not a replacement for my Super Tenere it is a much better off road bike than the Tenere'. That being said the Tenere is a much better touring bike than the Africa Twin... in my opinion. YMMV!
--- End quote ---
Hi Brick,
My opinion on the AT is the same as yours. A lot of fun off road, but I won't be replacing my Super Tenere with one. I'll continue to use my DR350 and DR435 for that.
Have a great time at STAR.
Fred Z.
(Taking good care of Donna after her recent back surgery)
Notes from the Members' Meeting at STAR 2016 in Vermont...
President Dennis Villarose introduced each of the Executive Board members.
Door prize winners are posted on the door of room 217 around the corner from the desk. Times to pick up any item you won are posted in the schedule of events.
Sanctioned events for the rest of the calendar year were highlighted.
Dennis highlighted the seminars scheduled for Tuesday evening.
Vice President Ann Redner presented several opportunities for volunteers. They include the national event coordinator (after 10+ years, Jon Sr and Janet Campbell are stepping down), STAR registrar (Harry Hemstreet is stepping down after 10 years, but he would be pleased to work with someone new for next year's STAR to help ease the transition), and Michigan state director.
We have new Dan Clark fund coordinators, and the checks for items submitted are scheduled to go out around the end of July.
Awards The MSTA State Director of the Year award was presented to Patrick Mogavero of Kentucky. The MSTA State Newsletter of the Year was awarded to Don Moe of Florida. The MSTA State Web Site of the Year was presented to Van VanSteelant and Kim Longacre of Florida.
Membership report Mike Tissandier, our membership director, announced that due to a system crash early in the year, several hundred renewal reminders have just recently gone out. Our membership currently stands at around 1300. The vast majority of new members come to the club through recruitment by current members. We are looking at signing up for an automated service to handle some of the membership duties, and we need additional volunteers to assist with mailings, etc.
After a brief question and answer session, we adjourned to the ice cream social provided by the hotel.
Having the Honda demo fleet here has been delightful. I've taken the opportunity to ride an NC700X (I liked it), a CB500X (I liked it), an Africa Twin (I LIKED it), a CB500F (I liked it), and a VFR1200X (it's not for me).
The roads in the southern Vermont area can be a little sneaky in places, definitely show wear and tear from tough winter months, and are pretty slow going in places with a little village seemingly every few miles with a 25 mph limit. But I'm extremely pleased to have had the opportunity to come here. I've passed through Vermont on a couple of occasions, but never had the chance to really visit. I haven't visited extensively this time either, but more so than in the past. In 3-5 days, all you can do is get an overview of an area anyhow, and I've done that. I'm pleased STAR was here this year.
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